From "
Hoopak: The hoopak is the most common of kender tools. This 5ft., ironwood staff has a short spike attached to its tip, which doubles as a spear or bo stick and inflicts the first damage value listed in the above chart for both. The staff's other end is forked and laced with gut. A stone may be flung by either planting the blade end of the hoopak in the earth and bending the staff back to sling the stone, or whirling the hoopak overhead as a traditional sling-staff. This tool acts like a bullroar when whirled in the air, creating a low thrumming sound. Other uses include prying with the blade, and picking apples with the gut
Sounds like a LaCroix stick to me. (Ok, Lacrosse. The Indians who played the game were La Croix.)
The above description above does not mention a sling, just lacings at the forked end.
Made out of "Ironwood" and yet retains a lot of spring flex to be used as a catapult with the end simply stuck in the ground.
Now you know why I gave up reading SciFi.