Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger
Posts: 3235
Akron NY
OK, 3 objects identified as sling pouches are currently at the National Museum of Ireland. They were identified by a Dr, Andy Halpin. who works in the Irish Antiquities Division. Basically, they are elongated leather diamonds, about 10 cm long. Each one has a hole at each end, although one has had the end torn off. One is plain, one has 4 vertical slashes on it. The last has 6 longer vertical slashes on it. Their numbers are E 180:7033 E190:6006 E:7007 They were found in Dublin, in an area called Southgate and Fishamble st, and date to the 10-11th cent.
There are 5 other sites in Britain that yield similar types of finds, yet not all of the people there are ready to call them sling pouches. All are about 10 cm and have the diamond pattern, some with a hole broken through. All seem to be associated with Anglo Saxon sites. If anyone would like a list of the other sites, I'll send you what I have.
Also, from the Fenian Cycle, Battle of Ventry " And 2 Foreigners were set against them that day. And Conncrither siezed his long sided sling (an tabhaill) and put a straight even stone in it, and gave a straight well directed cast, so that it went into the forehead of his adversary, and took the brain out as a lump of blood out the back of his head." I think it's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea.