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Making moulds (Read 7304 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Lima, Peru
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Making moulds
Jan 24th, 2009 at 2:57pm
I am intrested in making a few lead glandes for my slinging, so I need a mould. I know lead is toxic, so I don't plan to do it all the time, just now and then.

I plan on using white concrete on a small box, introducing the model glande half way through, wait until it dries. Then a coat of vasseline and a second layer of fresh concrete. I am assuming that the concrete will endure the heat.

But this is something I've come up with. I don't know if it will work, so any tips or advice from anyone who has succesfully made glandes (and their moulds) without anything complicated like wood carving. 

Thanks in advance
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Preserving the sling, mankind´s original Magnum. Rookie slingers are modern superheroes: Never far away from trouble. Rockman sling tutorial: http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-make-a-rockman-sling---bruno-tosso
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #1 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 5:30pm
Elongated fishing sinkers are pretty much exactly the same shape as all the photos of lead glandes I have seen. You should be able to purchase a ready made sinker mould to your liking which will last a lifetime.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Making moulds
Reply #2 - Jan 24th, 2009 at 7:21pm
Take a look at this page of sinker mould designs:


Any number of these would make fine projectiles.

I cast bullets for years; just do it outside.   You can buy a fancy electric melting pot, or a simple cast-iron pot and a propane or blowtorch.

I had a silly-looking rig that consisted of a sheet-metal shelf to hold the pot, and a Sears blowtorch.  A gallon of kerosene will make many thousands of bullets.
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David Morningstar
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Making moulds
Reply #3 - Jan 25th, 2009 at 6:14am
There is something on clay molds here: http://www.mbsks.franken.de/slinging/slinging.html

Creating cement molds here:http://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1210596814

I found out that covering prototype form in candle wax (dipping it in melted hot candle wax) till about 1-3 mm of thickness is the way to go.
When prototype glande covered with wax has stayed long enough in cement form "cups". I put it into oven to melt wax. So top bottom and prototype gland could be separated.

I am also gathering information begin lead casting. The key things seem to be:

Do it outside, use the breeze to keep lead fumes away from you

The mold must be completely dry, any trace of moisture will come fizzing out as steam and spray molten lead everywhere

The mold must be hot to get good casts - the first one or two casts will achieve this, just chuck the results back into the melting pot.

Safety glasses, non artificial fibre long sleeves and a heavy leather glove are all good to have

Wash your hands after handling lead

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Lima, Peru
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #4 - Jan 26th, 2009 at 4:06pm
Nice!!! the egg shaped looks specially great.

I've seen the sinkers, but didn't know you could buy the moulds. Thanks a lot
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Preserving the sling, mankind´s original Magnum. Rookie slingers are modern superheroes: Never far away from trouble. Rockman sling tutorial: http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-make-a-rockman-sling---bruno-tosso
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Slinging Rocks!

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Wilmington, DE
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #5 - Feb 4th, 2009 at 3:11pm

The mold must be hot to get good casts - the first one or two casts will achieve this, just chuck the results back into the melting pot


Take an old clothes iron and clamp it in a vise upside down, right at your casting station.  Turn it all the way up.  Lay your mold on it  as soon as you start melting your lead.  This way, you are guaranteed that your mold will be hot from the start, and dry.

P.S.  Flux your lead if you want more uniform results.

P.S.S. Don't ever "chuck" anything into the pot!  Very splashy bad time!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 1267
Lima, Peru
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #6 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 7:09pm
Here's a tip for mould making. You can write any message you want using letter noodles.
The bag didn't have any G's, so I dressed up a C as a G.
There were even Q's, but no G's. Weird.
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« Last Edit: Feb 8th, 2009 at 10:34pm by Rockman »  

glande.jpg (28 KB | )

Preserving the sling, mankind´s original Magnum. Rookie slingers are modern superheroes: Never far away from trouble. Rockman sling tutorial: http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-make-a-rockman-sling---bruno-tosso
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

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Akron NY
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #7 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 8:04pm
If you can find it soapstone is excellent for molds. It has been used for centuries for that purpose. It is easy to carve with just about anything, and can take temps over 2000 degrees, F.
  When you bring the mold together, what you want to do is create small, upward facing channels from the mold are to the edge. the reason for this is when you pour in the molten metal, it displaces the oxygen in the mold. it the air has nowhere to go, it creates bubbles in the metal when it cools.
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 1267
Lima, Peru
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #8 - Feb 8th, 2009 at 10:05pm
So, this is ok?
I put a second opening as a vent.
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Preserving the sling, mankind´s original Magnum. Rookie slingers are modern superheroes: Never far away from trouble. Rockman sling tutorial: http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-make-a-rockman-sling---bruno-tosso
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David Morningstar
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Making moulds
Reply #9 - Feb 9th, 2009 at 3:57am
What's this, then? 'Romanes Eunt Domus'? 'People called Romanes they go the house'?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

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Akron NY
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #10 - Feb 9th, 2009 at 5:28am
Rockman, that should be fine.
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #11 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 7:59am
If glandes were inscribed with humorous and insulting jibes like, "ouch" and "for Pompei's backside" I think our pseudo latin slogan is, "Romans go home", a reverse allusion to, "Yankee go home"
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David Morningstar
Slinging.org Moderator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Making moulds
Reply #12 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 11:18am
No it doesnt. Whats latin for 'Roman'? Come on!

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Re: Making moulds
Reply #13 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 1:41pm
David Morningstar wrote on Feb 10th, 2009 at 11:18am:
No it doesnt. Whats latin for 'Roman'? Come on!


Hang on, I will just go get my copy of The Life Of Brian. Grin
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Lima, Peru
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Re: Making moulds
Reply #14 - Feb 10th, 2009 at 4:24pm

You can watch the scene at this link, they even have a script of the dialog.

Life of Brian is a very funny movie. Cheers to the British for coming up with Monty Python.
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Preserving the sling, mankind´s original Magnum. Rookie slingers are modern superheroes: Never far away from trouble. Rockman sling tutorial: http://slinging.org/index.php?page=how-to-make-a-rockman-sling---bruno-tosso
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