There is something on clay molds here: cement molds here: Quote:I found out that covering prototype form in candle wax (dipping it in melted hot candle wax) till about 1-3 mm of thickness is the way to go.
When prototype glande covered with wax has stayed long enough in cement form "cups". I put it into oven to melt wax. So top bottom and prototype gland could be separated.
I am also gathering information begin lead casting. The key things seem to be:
Do it outside, use the breeze to keep lead fumes away from you
The mold must be completely dry, any trace of moisture will come fizzing out as steam and spray molten lead everywhere
The mold must be hot to get good casts - the first one or two casts will achieve this, just chuck the results back into the melting pot.
Safety glasses, non artificial fibre long sleeves and a heavy leather glove are all good to have
Wash your hands after handling lead