M. Demetrius wrote on Oct 7
th, 2007 at 6:10pm:
It would be even neater to have Dixie grind a mold to a specific projectile size. Again, cost is an impediment
We used a regular meatball mold to make regular sized pottery clay sling ammo. Weigh about an ounce dry, unfired. Would probably weigh a little less if fired, but won't biodegrade when they get lost. Eventually those turn back to mud...
I can't see why that couldn't be used to cast lead balls that size. Around 1 1/8" diameter. I guesstimate that would be about 6 oz or so. It's just like aluminum pliers, each with a hemispherical end, one having a hole around 5/16" in dia. Then again, it would be possible to dump half a load of molten lead on something. I'm not sure. Anyway, that's pretty huge of a lead ball.
Hey, Demetrius,
In Alabama we’re “et up” with red clay of a very good quality, so good that an entire pottery industry is springing up. I’m not familiar with the “meat ball” mould” you mention. Could you drop me a PM with more details? Perhaps even a picture? I can’t quite get my mind around the idea of a meatball mould that would cope with molten lead. Fired red clay bullets would be something special. I would like to try that.