Dave M wrote on Sep 28
th, 2007 at 6:05am:
Thought this might be of interest as well, Its the first time I have tried using a picture hope it works if not sorry please explain to an old duffer hoe i should do it
I apologize. I didn't get the BIG PICTURE until I fooled around with the image.
Everybody correct me if I'm wrong, but: Put the loop at one end of the string around your ring or "pinkie" finger, and put the knot between your thumb and forefinger. Adjust the "knot" end until the sling is level --- both sides hang equally and the pouch is not "lopsided." One side higher than the other.
Put the ball into the sling pouch and swing it around vertically, like an airplane propeller. GENTLY. You're testing yourself and the relationship between the ball and the sling pouch. Slowly work up faster and faster until you can spin it very fast. This will tell you that, one, the ball will stay in the pouch, and two, that your reflexes are OK.
Slow down and let the sling stop. Pick a target. Make certain nothing breakable is nearby. Start the sling rocking like a clock pendulum then in one smooth motion swing your arm toward the target as though you were throwing a rock at it. When your arm is a bit above where you would release a rock from your hand, let the knot go. The ball will go somewhere in the vicinity of the target.
If the ball flies forward, you've just made your first step toward slinging.
There are many different ways to sling a stone or ball: overhand, underhand, and sidearme (like you would throw a baseball or rock). I prefer sidearm. But I can't hit anything. That's a function of old age.
Check this forum for many suggestions about how to sling a stone or ball. Much good advice here.