Here's my current collection of throwing implements: two smaller knives are "Viper" ripoffs, actually of fairly decent quality. I got them from a local martial-arts store. They are about 10" long.
The big ones are from the famous (or infamous) "Bud K" catalogue, and were billed as "The Worlds Largest Throwing Knife". Hardly that, but they were dead cheap at 15.00 for the pair. ( I don't think they are offering them any more)
These are about 16" long, and actually throw very well, though the grips are a bit wide.
The cleaver is an old item I inherited from my aunt. These throw very much like a tomahawk, and I had to grind the hooked end of the grip down. Awfully hard on the target, though....
The target is just 2" X 6" lumber screwed to two back pieces. I hang it on a fence. The design is such that it's easy to remove chewed-up boards from the center and shift them around for max life.