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Pictures of Slings and Slinging (Read 2424936 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7755 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 6:21am
You just like to read what you want. This sentence referred to myself. Not to a beginner. You could have recognized it. Despite the lack of translation. But you only see what you see Want. But maybe the other discussions were just pure irony. Then it didn't reach me. I think it's good that you don't have any problems with my comments. Was very noticeable after you requested an admin. Sorry, I can't seem to get off the wave irony  Tongue. That may be because I'm basically a ten-year-old kid who only plays with a sling. 😂😂😂
Sorry ich finde es einfach nur amüsant.
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7756 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 6:38am
Hubert . Genau. Gut gesagt. So ist es. Doch hier wird etwas völlig anderes suggeriert. Hier geht es um Qualität. Und die Behauptung es sei die beste Sling auf dem Markt. Nun der Markt ist nicht besonders groß. Doch sehe ich selbst auf diesen kleinen Markt slings die mit wirklichen Besonderheiten aufwarten. Sowohl vom Material als auch vom handwerklichen können. Ich sehe deine , meine , andere. Ob nun von Raul, Luis oder Jaume. Ich sehe gewebte slings aus Peru, Tibet, Indien. Aus dem Iran. Alle diese slings haben sehr viel mehr Besonderheiten.
Und das sagt ein noch älteres Mitglied in diesem Forum. Roll Eyes
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Bono Mellius
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7757 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 8:56am
This thread should show the slings we made ourselves, not the slings of trade. See the dedicated section. Just my idea.

Saroch, your behavior in the previous thread was really contemptuous. 3/4 of the answers to your question had reservations. You swept them away with as background music a refusal of our part to evolve. It really displeased me.

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7758 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 2:10pm
Mersa wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 12:04am:
He has used Brummell splices to make the smooth connections at the pouch

Cool man!  I'll have to look into that.

Jaegoor wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 3:57am:
But to suggest that this model is the ultimate sniper sling

Who has said this?  Wide Right said the sling's performance as a sharpshooter didn't disappoint him, and it was the finest sling he's held.  He's allowed to think both of these things, and no one can tell him he's wrong.  Unless you're a mind reader and haven't told us.  Mersa said something similar.  He said it's one of the best slings on the market.  Again, this is his opinion.  He's allowed to think that, and even if you disagree it doesn't make him wrong.

Jaegoor wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 6:38am:
Und die Behauptung es sei die beste Sling auf dem Markt.

No one has claimed that.  And it depends what the buyer is looking for as to whether it's one of the best slings on the market.  If it's characteristics fit the criteria that a slinger is looking for, then it very well could be.

hubert wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:24am:
Slinging is individual, the preferences are individual, people are individual ... that's good as it is

@Jaegoor - I find it ironic that you agree with this statement from hubert, but then go on to say what should be valued in a sling.  If it your opinion that materials and craftsmanship are at the top of the list, that's fine.  But don't assume to speak for everyone.  There are certainly slingers out there who don't care if a sling is hand braided.  And that's not to say they don't admire the craftsmanship of braided slings.

And I'll say again that the sling Sarosh made does have craftsmanship and thought put into the making of it (as I outlined in my previous post).  If you don't care about those things I mentioned, that again is fine.  But that doesn't mean everyone else will dismiss them too.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7759 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 2:14pm
Sarosh wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:15am:
just to be clear I have no problem with jaegoors comments on slings.
This is what I consider insulting to more than one person:

  Jaegoor wrote on Mar 27th, 2024 at 1:26pm:
That's what a completely untalented and clueless slinger says

a newcomer receiving a comment like this, is a problem.
As an older member I have lost respect and I am reluctant to engage in further discussions or sharing thoughts in the forum. It's not a first one, this has happened in the past. Jaegoor is not 10y old he can control his tongue

@Sarosh - Thanks for clarifying.  As Jaegoor already confirmed, I also believed that he was speaking of himself.  Mainly from the discussion in the other topic.

You are correct though that it wouldn't be acceptable for such a comment to be directed at another member.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7760 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 3:06pm
TOMBELAINE wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 8:56am:
This thread should show the slings we made ourselves, not the slings of trade. See the dedicated section. Just my idea.

Saroch, your behavior in the previous thread was really contemptuous. 3/4 of the answers to your question had reservations. You swept them away with as background music a refusal of our part to evolve. It really displeased me.

I don't think we need to make restrictions of pictures based on the origin of a sling.  Most posts are of slings the person creating the post made themselves, and that's great!  But I think if a member wants to post an image of a sling they received and provide some feedback about it, this is the topic to do it.  It is still sharing a picture of a sling after all.  If there are other thoughts on that, I'm open to hearing them.  Do we need a dedicated topic specifically for feedback of slings?

And if there are responses to posts in another topic, please add them to that topic.  If you feel that a response from Sarosh was insufficient, use the quote option and ask him if he can provide more details.  I'll say that the topic about evaluating sling accuracy is certainly a difficult subject to converse about.  I'm sure there are a lot of ideas from all sides of the argument which are hard to put into words.  I certainly experienced that.
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Wide Right

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7761 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:04pm
Hi all!

It seems like my last post stirred up a bit of controversy--I hope/trust it's understood that was never my intention. Sarosh made me an awesome sling, I wanted to show it off. I never intended to start a debate on whose slings are the "ultimate" or anything like that. Also just wanna mention that I think your sling is gorgeous hubert! While it no doubt gives amazing performance and is meant to be used, it also truly looks like it belongs in a museum the way it's so intricately woven. Incredible work.

I also just want to clarify that I never took any offense to your comments Jaegoor, though I admit upon first reading the comment referencing "untalented and clueless slinger" I did think it was directed toward me (which I wasn't offended by, but did think it was maybe a bit of an aggressive thing to say to a stranger haha), but this was before I read more of your comments and was able to contextualize that you were not in fact referring to me, but rather making a somewhat self-deprecating reference/joke about yourself. I only say this to put forth the proposition that I don't think Sarosh's interpretation of your comment was wildly off-base, as I too also thought that was the intention behind it, before I understood that it wasn't.

Annnyways, I apologize for any contribution on my part that may have led to the temporarily derailment this monumental thread full of 500+ pages of amazing sling content. That is definitely the last thing I would want to do.

To wrap this up with a little more content, here's a rather pedestrian (but functional!) shorty sling I just completed for another friend. I'm at the point where I can crank these out in just a few minutes, so basically any friend of mine who shows the slightest interest in slinging has been getting one as a gift! Whether or not it actually leads to any of them getting into slinging, it's a fun little way for me to feel like I'm doing my part to expand the tradition  Smiley

You're all great! Glad to have found this community. Cheers,

Wide Right
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7762 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:23pm
Smiley Smiley Wink Cheesy Grin Roll Eyes Shocked : Roll Eyes Cool
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7763 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 10:30pm
Jaegoor wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 3:57am:
But to suggest that this model is the ultimate sniper sling..... is just embarrassing When you consider the discussion about the best sling, it becomes even more embarrassing.

@Jaegoor  The discussion of the 'best sling' was not in reference to the 'LD-1' sling shown by Wide Right. The discussion of the 'best sling' was in reference to the Achaean sling described in the historical text by Livy.  I think you were making assumptions that were incorrect about the intention of that conversation (the intent was not to find a 'cheat code' and instantly become a better slinger, but to see if there was any truth to the Livy text and to see if such a sling could be made), and I think you are making too many assumptions in this conversation as well.

I have an LD-1 and it is a wonderful sling. It hasn't frayed or broken down after 1000's of shots, even with very rough stones. Natural fiber slings break down much faster than this one. The release tab is an innovation that I really like. I put it on all my slings now. As commented by Joe, I think if you tried the LD-1, you would like it just as much as any other sling.

Not to leave anyone out, I also highly envy hubert's slings, they are true works of art and very functional. I have two and they are my prized possessions.
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John R.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7764 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 10:48pm
@Wide Right - You're all good man.  There's some personalities here, and sometimes head-butting ensues.  This isn't the first time, and certainly won't be the last.  It is kind of funny though.  Where else can you find a bunch of guys from all over the world fighting about which sling is best. Grin

That's why I love this forum.

Wide Right wrote on Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:04pm:
To wrap this up with a little more content, here's a rather pedestrian (but functional!) shorty sling I just completed for another friend. I'm at the point where I can crank these out in just a few minutes, so basically any friend of mine who shows the slightest interest in slinging has been getting one as a gift!

Love hearing this kind of thing! Cheesy
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Slinging Rocks!

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Dominican Republic
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7765 - Apr 10th, 2024 at 8:03pm
Full Dyneema Sling inspired by Kinetic Slinger's Design. He made a great tutorial, I learned a lot.
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1_024.jpg (945 KB | 39 )
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7766 - Apr 10th, 2024 at 9:27pm
That is gorgeous!  Fantastic job! Thumbs Up
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Senior Member

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7767 - Apr 10th, 2024 at 10:51pm
Looks great! Smiley
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Once, Toivo and Eino were out hunting, and before setting out, Toivo told Eino to fire three shots in the air if he got lost, and Toivo would find him. Soon enough, Eino got lost, aimed his weapon up and prayed: "God, please let Toivo see my arrows!"
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7768 - Apr 11th, 2024 at 8:28am
That is a beautiful sling . And I bet IT’s characteristics are  noticeably different to a Kevlar version.
What are the specs ?
Weight length ect
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 26
Dominican Republic
Gender: male
Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7769 - Apr 11th, 2024 at 9:27am
Mersa wrote on Apr 11th, 2024 at 8:28am:
That is a beautiful sling . And I bet IT’s characteristics are  noticeably different to a Kevlar version.
What are the specs ?
Weight length ect

The sling is 38 inches (96cm), but i don't know the weight. I used around 15 meters of 2mm dyneema to make it so it definitely has a bit of weight to it, feels like a whip after waxing it. My first impression with it is that is increased the consistency of my spin/release compared to my previous lighter spliced dyneema sling. However I have less feel with lighter projectiles.
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