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Pictures of Slings and Slinging (Read 2421649 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7740 - Mar 26th, 2024 at 4:41pm
So muß eine Schleuder aussehen. Wirklich gute Arbeit.
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Bono Mellius
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7741 - Mar 26th, 2024 at 6:55pm
Beautiful sling, hubert!
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Once, Toivo and Eino were out hunting, and before setting out, Toivo told Eino to fire three shots in the air if he got lost, and Toivo would find him. Soon enough, Eino got lost, aimed his weapon up and prayed: "God, please let Toivo see my arrows!"
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Wide Right

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7742 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 1:00am
Brand new LD-1 from Sarosh/Acroballistics

I was looking for a sharpshooter and man, this did not disappoint. It is by far the finest sling I've ever held. Sarosh is an incredible artist, and I couldn't be happier with the sling's performance thus far. Tested it out today for the first time, I was picking out trees at about 20m and putting rocks on them within a few throws, some of them on the first try. That may not be a huge challenge for some of you, but for me that's saying a lot! Can't wait to practice more with it.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7743 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 3:09am
Definitely one of the best slings on the market made by an experienced and talented slinger.
I also think the Acrobalistics release tab/toggle is the future of precision slinging.
I have no doubt that this sling is one for the ages.
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7744 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 1:26pm
What's special about it? I can't recognize it. A simple simple sling. It will work. But especially? I can't see that. Neither is special in terms of craftsmanship and from Neither does material. Stays on the carpet. I could choose. I would prefer huberts sling. That's what a completely untalented and clueless slinger says
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7745 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 2:03pm
Thank you for the appreciation!

Don't answer to Jaegoor. Maybe the admin/mods should give him some pointers about forum rules and conduct because it is not funny anymore

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7746 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 2:17pm
😂😂😂 Oh yes, please explain the forum rules to me. How dare I describe your slingshot as simple but functional? 😂 Wie konnte ich es waagen. Huberts Sling zu bevorzugen. Verzeiht mir . Ihr Meister aller Klassen. 🤪🤪🤪
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Bono Mellius
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7747 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 2:31pm
Jaegoor lass gut sein
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7748 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 2:46pm
Hubert. Warum sollte ich. Ich verstehe soviel vom Slingen und auch vom Handwerk, das ich beides vergleichen kann. Ich habe beide Modelle gefertigt und geschossen.  Und deshalb erlaube ich mir eine Meinung dazu. Ich bewundere tatsächlich dein handwerkliches Können. Und auch wenn ich nicht Faust flechte, sondern einen marudai benutze. Das Handwerk ähnelt sich . Deshalb weiß ich sehr genau, was ich sage. Und wem das nicht passt, der darf mich gerne entfernen. Dann aber bitte mit all meinen Posts.  Ich habe niemand beleidigt und habe das auch nicht vor. Ich habe eine Frage gestellt und meine Meinung gesagt. Ich kann nichts falsches daran erkennen.
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Bono Mellius
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7749 - Mar 27th, 2024 at 9:00pm
Just a quick chime in.  I don't see any rule violations here.  Jaegoor's posts are often direct, and sometimes come off a little harsh, but that's not against any rules.  There is a rule against abusive or threatening language, but the only thing I see here is him giving his opinion on a sling.  If there's disagreement with his opinion, anyone is free to post a reply.

I did make a slight adjustment to the forum rules (https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?virboard=1;num=1639081613).  It is rule #3 that references threatening and abusive language.  I added 'no name calling'.  But I'll reiterate that I don't think any of that has been done here.  If I'm missing something, please feel free to reply to me in this post, or send me a PM if you would prefer to discuss things privately.

Jaegoor wrote on Mar 27th, 2024 at 1:26pm:
What's special about it?

And, I'll give it a go.  I also have one of the LD-1 slings from Sarosh.  Regrettably when it arrived I hung it up with my other slings, and it got buried behind another one.  So I never used it.  To make sure I wasn't just making stuff up, I went out and did a 100-Round with it after work today.  So here's what I would say about it:

Let's start at the finger loop.  It is a basic leather loop, but almost deceptively so.  It's design is very intentional.  It's intended for use with different grips and finger orientations, as Sarosh demonstrates in his sales thread for the LP-4 sling (https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1661972992).

The cords are Dyneema.  So they have very good flexability, low (almost zero) stretch, water resistant, and abrasion resistant.

The pouch is leather and looks simple, but again the design isn't an accident.  The leather is very light but fairly stiff.  This causes it to want to open at release, and helps the projectile clear it very cleanly.  The flared sides allow for a glande to sit securely, but also allows the pouch to hold round projectiles extremely well.  I did my 100-Round with tennis balls.  Not one misfire.  Nothing came out until I let go of the release cord.

Next, the release tab (image attached).  To my knowledge this is a design by Sarosh, and he has a lot of people really liking it.  Myself included.  The design seems to fall somewhere in between a (regular) release tab and a release knot.  It has the security of a knot, but can be held very lightly (image attached) so it releases fast and clean like a tab.  It really is a wonderful design!

Now let's talk about the cords connecting to the pouch and the finger loop (images attached).  I have no idea how he does this.  The cord loops through the holes in the pouch and finger loop, and then looks like it's braided back into itself.  There is no knot!  The connection are clean, beautiful, and strong.  As I said, I have no idea how he does it.

You said it was 'a simple sling'.  I would agree that it is on a first glance.  Once a closer look is taken, there is lot of innovation and craftsmanship put into it.

And last, how it slings.  It sounds like Wide Right was having some good results with it.  I also did better than I expected to.  As most know, I'll mention the caveat that I mostly use braided paracord, so these light weight, fast release slings need some adjusting to.  My 100 Round overall wasn't great.  But my last bucket of 20 had 14 or 15 on target.  As mentioned, I was expecting to be terrible, but I was getting some bunches of hits as I adjusted.  I might cut a little highlight video together.  Not sure yet.  One other thing to mention though is the speed.  This sling was absolutely launching those tennis balls at the target.  During the session I remember making a comment about it feeling like a tennis ball cannon (or something to that effect).

Those are just my thoughts.  Others might feel differently.
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PouchInside.jpg (439 KB | 30 )
PouchOutside.jpg (450 KB | 28 )
ReleaseTab.jpg (358 KB | 31 )
ReleaseTabHold.jpg (213 KB | 28 )
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Interfector Viris Spurii


Posts: 2615
Gender: male
Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7750 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 12:04am
Well said Joe I have similar experience with it but because I’m used to lightweight slings I found almost no adjustment necessary between it and my regular sling. I personally have had exceptional results with it.
He has used Brummell splices to make the smooth connections at the pouch, not only is it’s a much more appealing look but it also has a much better load rating than a knot. Not that this is overly important because slinging even close to dyneemas breaking strain would probably lift you off your feet.

Jaegoor you should try one out I’m sure you would agreed it’s a very fine sling if you were to try it.

Also I have used Hubert slings and own one , in fact it is actually my favourite natural fiber sling . It’s an Egyptian style and the craftsman ship is more than exceptional. Uwes slings are regarded as some of the best by many of the competition slingers. I believe AA and goober very fond of them.

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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7751 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 3:04am
Cool, I always thought you grab the tab itself with this design, not the cord in front of it. Very interesting!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2835
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7752 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 3:57am
What I see is a simple functional sling. The letter. Leather. Good. There are hundreds of similar ones. What's special? I don't recognize it. The runs. Yes. OK. Whoever likes it. I Personally, I'm not a fan of plastic. I rarely use plastic. You have to like it. The eye. Sewn on a piece of leather. I don't see anything special here either. Sorry. The leaf in front of the sound reed.You can do it. I do similar things with some slings. Only I don't grab it by the end, I grab it normally. This version makes me wonder how it was attached. It looks sewn. The fiber is very smooth. At this point the sling reaches its highest speed. How long will it last? Now to what really bothers me. That's not the one Sling. She is simple. Made quickly. And functional. What bothers me is the excessive hype surrounding it. It's a simple sling. No longer . Not less. I think she throws balls well. Like many other slings. But to suggest that this model is the ultimate sniper sling..... is just embarrassing When you consider the discussion about the best sling, it becomes even more embarrassing. It was clear to me who would present this. Why this? Can you sell them better then? How much does this cost in particular?Sniper sling? $50, $60, $70? Is that really so special? Do my words sound harsh? Sorry, I'm sorry. A little. I'm just trying to stay objective and honest. Admittedly. Not easy
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Bono Mellius
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7753 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:15am
just to be clear I have no problem with jaegoors comments on slings.
This is what I consider insulting to more than one person:

  Jaegoor wrote on Mar 27th, 2024 at 1:26pm:
That's what a completely untalented and clueless slinger says

a newcomer receiving a comment like this, is a problem.
As an older member I have lost respect and I am reluctant to engage in further discussions or sharing thoughts in the forum. It's not a first one, this has happened in the past. Jaegoor is not 10y old he can control his tongue
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Re: Pictures of Slings and Slinging
Reply #7754 - Mar 28th, 2024 at 4:24am
Slinging is individual, the preferences are individual, people are individual ... that's good as it is
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