I like solid pouches but only when they are quite long and narrow. I do not like it when the stone is engulfed by the pouch, this I only find acceptable if I were throwing very slippery ammo like marbles, ice balls, wrought iron balls or lead balls. If I were to throw any of these, I find this pouch is still wide enough to cup and form to hold them securely. But with clay and stone biconicals I want the pointy bits or oval bits to portrude from the the sides of pouch. The narrower sections on the sides of the pouch give a sort of taper-effect to the pouch. A solid pouch does not have to be as wide on the sides as it does in the middle where the projectile is seated.
Aside from that. this solid pouch is easy to weave. In all my sling making I strive for no tools except my hands. I don't first braid the sling and then weave the pouch. I first braid the retention cord, then weave in the pouch, then braid the release cord, in that order. This results in it being much quicker to weave, and I do not have to cut the cord for the weave beforehand, I can just weave it in right from the spool, so I will never accidentally cut too little cord for the weave.
As of recent I have been preferring solid pouches over split pouches. I like the extra security it gives for the ligher weight ammo that lately has gotten my preference. I am trying to settle for a generic sling design, sling length, projectile weight range, or at least some universal attributes.