I just tried to duplicate the style you describe, and it was not very successful. I suspect I'm not doing it the way you do. So, let me try to clarify my understanding. You are standing sideways to your target? Your left hand is holding the pouch and rock against your ribs? And your right arm is holding the cords taut? Are the cords also near your body, or is your right hand out in front of you? Do you use your arm alone to move the sling, or do you twist your body to add some more power? When you release, do you just pull the pouch out of your left hand, or do you toss it away from you?
This does sound rather like the backhand or frisbee style. I do the frisbee style backwards to what you describe (or at least, to how I read your description): my left hand with the pouch is out away from my body, and my right hand is almost touching my ribs on the left side. Then twist to the left, let go the pouch, and whip my right arm out and to the right as I twist to the right.