I am a man of The Hammer, and I will challenge your Flying Spaghetti Monster anytime, anywhere, with my Gods at my back and a trusty sling or axe at my side! And you may keep your pirates, as cool as they may be. There's never a group anywhere of any time that could raid,or sail, or drink, or fight or tell great epics like the Old Ones. And if you've any doubt of that, look back to Lindisfarne or Paris for your proof. And to any of you iron-hearted bersarkers who stand alongside me in my battles with the FSM, as he is so called, I can promise you HONOR, GLORY AND A PASTA DINNER!! We'll stand and fight and go down in a hail of Ragu and noodles until we are too tired to lift our fork arms any longer, my Jarls! Oh yeah, and I'll brind the mead
And for the record, Thor's pet name for Fenris was "Mister Fwuffles." Truth be told, it was kind of embarrasing hearing the big fella calling him that. Both for Thor and the wolf, really. And should the NDO's decide they want to invade Canada. Well, I think I can scramble a small army of brave men and women to defend the Great White North from these potential invaders. Remember, "Never try to invade Canada in the winter."