I have been rather harsh with you in the past, so it is only fair that I note you are right this time. I, too, looked up the word "fustible" in Google, and I got a hodge-podge of absolute nonsense, but nothing about slings.
As near as I can tell, looking at what Google showed me, "fustible" is a misspelling of "fusible" (something that can be melted, like glass). The usages I saw are such that anybody proof-reading those writings, must have just assumed it was an obscure technical term, and left it alone rather than admit ignorance.
You are learning. The next thing you need to learn is persistence. Google does not always have stuff stored exactly the way you ask for it. Having failed to find anything on "fustible", you should then have tried "staff sling" as Cliff suggested. You would have found a lot of information.
As for Steven's suggestion, well, if you did not already know that a staff sling is called a fustibalus in Latin, then you wouldn't have known to look for it by that name. I did not know that, so I have learned something too!
Hey, on another topic, who wrote the Wikipedia article on slinging? There is some solid information there! Including a paragraph on staff slings.