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ancient armor (Read 3693 times)

I love Slinging.org!

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ancient armor
Aug 4th, 2006 at 2:36pm
I'm making chainmaille armor and i have found it to be very useful against most weapons including blades(i've tested this one personally) and it only leaves minor bruises. and i was wondering if anyone else can come up with armor to match it with ease (to make) mobility (its stiffer than it looks) and protection. its funny because chainmail will stop an arrow from a shortbow but kevlar won't.....
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Norman Oklahoma
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #1 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 3:30pm
I use leather lamellar armor for my SCA Combat activities.
Using 15 Oz leathe it's far easier to make goes togather quicker and in places you have almost 1/2 inch of leather between you and what ever is trying to do you in.
Wanna make it even more resistant. Boil the individual lames in water, then mold to fit while they are cooling.

For more information do a search for
" A Perfect Armor" and I belive the other title is a "Perfect Armor revisted" ( or Something Like that)

Marc Adkins

I'm making chainmaille armor and i have found it to be very useful against most weapons including blades(i've tested this one personally) and it only leaves minor bruises. and i was wondering if anyone else can come up with armor to match it with ease (to make) mobility (its stiffer than it looks) and protection. its funny because chainmail will stop an arrow from a shortbow but kevlar won't.....

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The Few...The Proud.....The Slingers&&Sling to live, Live to sling&&I Ain't right
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I love Slinging.org!

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Re: ancient armor
Reply #2 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 3:37pm
wow i think i'll try that. it sounds pretty good, maybe i could put it underneath my chainmail
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Norman Oklahoma
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #3 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 6:43pm
I Would like to see that.

Actually the Lamelar would be way too bleeping bulky to fit under the chain. the Lames I use are 2x3 inches. Now you could ( And I have) wear it over the Chain as a breast plate. In addition for additional protection wear a gambision under the Haubrek

Marc Adkins

wow i think i'll try that. it sounds pretty good, maybe i could put it underneath my chainmail

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The Few...The Proud.....The Slingers&&Sling to live, Live to sling&&I Ain't right
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I love Slinging.org!

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Re: ancient armor
Reply #4 - Aug 5th, 2006 at 11:21pm
thanks thats actually pretty cool, it definitely makes me think
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #5 - Aug 6th, 2006 at 9:02am

Kevlar is designed to stop bullets not sub-sonic rounds.

Thats why cops put plates in thier vests. (Kevlar doesn't stop knife either)

Even once people went to plate armour they still used chain as it has the flexiblity that you can not get with solid metal, but any material that spreads the blow does just as well as chain.

As winkleried says leather lamellar works fine, and if you take into accout people used leather to make metal lamellar more felxible you could to that too.

In the end try not to compare modern armour with medieval they are used for completely different uses and have no correlation to each other in any shape or form. Chain will not stop a bullet from a real rifle or pistol, in fact they may help do more damage.

The arms race has been going on for a while now and weapons and armour change basied on that concept. 

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

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Re: ancient armor
Reply #6 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 10:25am
Wink, cool!! another Scadian enters the fray!

  This may sound corny, but one of the most effective armors the Japanese had was paper. Yup, paper. They would glue layers of it together and wear it like leather armor.
  Here's an experiment. Try to put a knife through a folded newspaper. It's a lot harder that it looks.
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #7 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 10:35am
Wink, cool!! another Scadian enters the fray!

  This may sound corny, but one of the most effective armors the Japanese had was paper. Yup, paper. They would glue layers of it together and wear it like leather armor.
  Here's an experiment. Try to put a knife through a folded newspaper. It's a lot harder that it looks. 

Several layers of heavy paper glued with epoxy would be incredibly strong (think fiberglasss). Come to think of it, they sell it as scales for knives (micarta I believe).
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #8 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 11:09am
CanDo: Micarta scales on not-so cheap knives are made from laminated fabric. Paper micarta is infamous for chipping and breakage.
For stopping a blow, you can probably do much worse than that... Fabric micarta would be better, though - it can flex a bit before breaking, while laminated paper just breaks.
Wait, using long-setting epoxy with a metal filler, letting it soak into paper or fabric... sounds like a fun project! Grin
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Slinger, martial artist, knife thrower, blowgunner and general weirdo since 1998.&&Proud owner of official Zombie hunting permit and scars to prove it's worth.&&Underestimating a fighter or a weapon is the surest way to make plastic surgeons happy.
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I love Slinging.org!

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Re: ancient armor
Reply #9 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 1:16pm
hmmm paper......i might do some experiments with it....thanks for the idea
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Chaotic Rage
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #10 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 1:23pm
Plates of wood... at least 1.5" thick. I've had luck with it absorbing a lot of a hit, but it would be hard to make anything more than just a breastplate.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Norman Oklahoma
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #11 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 3:13pm
Ya know not to add to the Fabric Armor stuff.
But using a variation of the (Speculated) Greek Linen Cuirass.

Take about 5-10 layers of linen cut them according to the various pattern you like and throughly coat them in Some sort of adhesive. I'm thinking along the lines of Contact Cement. Once the glue is laid down place a realy heavy mucking weight on the soon to be cuirass and let cure for a couple of days

Not exactly the way they did it, but hey it should give ya enough time to pull your own weapon or Run like heck.

Marc Adkins

CanDo: Micarta scales on not-so cheap knives are made from laminated fabric. Paper micarta is infamous for chipping and breakage.
For stopping a blow, you can probably do much worse than that... Fabric micarta would be better, though - it can flex a bit before breaking, while laminated paper just breaks.
Wait, using long-setting epoxy with a metal filler, letting it soak into paper or fabric... sounds like a fun project! Grin

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The Few...The Proud.....The Slingers&&Sling to live, Live to sling&&I Ain't right
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1535
Norman Oklahoma
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #12 - Aug 7th, 2006 at 3:26pm
Don't know about the japanese, but in the book Bloody Iron this trick is covered as a quick Jailhouse form of body armor.
It is also covered in Vito Quatrauchi ( Sp.?) The Sciclian Blade.

During the running shooting war with the LAPD several years ago. Those two bank robbers were using kevlar vests and supplememnted it with portion of discarded phone books.

So Apprently it has some merit to it.

MArc Adkins

Wink, cool!! another Scadian enters the fray!

 This may sound corny, but one of the most effective armors the Japanese had was paper. Yup, paper. They would glue layers of it together and wear it like leather armor.
 Here's an experiment. Try to put a knife through a folded newspaper. It's a lot harder that it looks.  

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The Few...The Proud.....The Slingers&&Sling to live, Live to sling&&I Ain't right
WWW winkleried  
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #13 - Aug 25th, 2006 at 12:16am
Don't be so sure about the linen hypothesis. Here's an interesting look at it:

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

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Akron NY
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Re: ancient armor
Reply #14 - Aug 25th, 2006 at 10:38am
Something I noticed a few years ago.

  I was helping a friend make some Roman costumes for a stage play. ( He was a proffesional costumer for Mardi Gras) Anyway, we were simulating the Roman cuirass by making vest made of felt, and then putting layer after layer of glue on them. If we wanted a thick look, you simply put another layer of felt over what you have glued and start the process over again.
   It was thick like leather, and almost as tough. However, it was more flexible and lighter. Once we were done painting them, at stage distance you would have sworn that they were leather. 
   For an under armor, they would be OK
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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