Ya know not to add to the Fabric Armor stuff.
But using a variation of the (Speculated) Greek Linen Cuirass.
Take about 5-10 layers of linen cut them according to the various pattern you like and throughly coat them in Some sort of adhesive. I'm thinking along the lines of Contact Cement. Once the glue is laid down place a realy heavy mucking weight on the soon to be cuirass and let cure for a couple of days
Not exactly the way they did it, but hey it should give ya enough time to pull your own weapon or Run like heck.
Marc Adkins
Quote:CanDo: Micarta scales on not-so cheap knives are made from laminated fabric. Paper micarta is infamous for chipping and breakage.
For stopping a blow, you can probably do much worse than that... Fabric micarta would be better, though - it can flex a bit before breaking, while laminated paper just breaks.
Wait, using long-setting epoxy with a metal filler, letting it soak into paper or fabric... sounds like a fun project!