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A bow I made in a couple hours (Read 2813 times)

I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 4
A bow I made in a couple hours
Aug 3rd, 2006 at 4:13pm
Hi I am new to this forum and first off let me say its great! I really love it and have made 3 slings so far. Yesterday I was extremely bored I went to a friends house who had some wood trim and we decided to make a bow. After about 3 hours this is what we came up with the bow is huge and is about 65# or 65 pounds of pull. I know this has to be one of the ugliest crudest bows ever made and I am looking for some kind of tutorial or somthing on how to make a real bow like the red oak longbow posted in this forum. Anyway here are some pictures!

... this is the part where I cut in the handle so the arrows can shoot I origanally didnt do this and I wondered why all my arrows were shooting at a 90 degree angle to the right  Grin you are suppose to cut into the handle arnt you? (shows how little I know about bows!)

here you can see its close to 71.5 inches long

A problem I ran into I had to actually use little tacks to nail the string offset to oneside so I could actually shoot it in a real bow how do they accomplish this or is the bow so skinny and thin it doesnt matter

Anyone who can point me in the right direction on how to make a real bow would be great thanks! although I do think my bow made completely out of guessing turned out pritty nicely oh and dont worry its not just ductape holding it together first the three layers were glued together with this really stong and flexible marine glue then they were lashed together with some rope and then ductape was put over the rope its suprisingly sturdy. ( i had better pictures but the internet is horrible right now for me so I will upload them later (not that anyone really wants to see any more of an ugly bow but hey its functional and thats all that matters right?) Smiley
its main purpose was to get me interested in the bow and let me tell you it did do that!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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New England, USA
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Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #1 - Aug 3rd, 2006 at 5:45pm
Welcome here!

I'll try to get some info up later for you, not enough time right now  Smiley
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I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 4
Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #2 - Aug 3rd, 2006 at 7:32pm
Hi thanks where do people learn how to make these things haha I am going to go and get some real wood later maybe oak and maple or somthing then I will try to make a real bow but this time I want to have plans or somthing before I start!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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New England, USA
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Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #3 - Aug 3rd, 2006 at 10:30pm
This will walk you though it. A truly excllent resource.

Of course, while a drawknife and other tools help and all. All that you actually need is a knife. Search for some of Hellfire's posts to see bow's made with just knives and that have been exclusively floor tillered.

Awesome graphic:

And of course, one of your best resources is right here. Several members here (Hellfire, Johnny, English and myself to name a few) have made bows and can answer any questions that didn't come up in the site I just gave you.

The process really depends a lot on intuition and good guesses. I built my first bow from the websites I just gave you and along the way had to stop myself and think for a little bit about something that came up unexpectedly.

*fails to resist temptation to show off bow*
That's my second bow, and you've already made one. So you can expect your next to be better Smiley

Now about cutting the handle of your bow for the arrow. Short answer: no. Long answer: some bows mostly ones which have risers and such do make it possible for the arrow to pass unobstructed. A properly spined arrow however, goes through what is called "archer's paradox" where the arrow flexes just the right amount around the bow going straight despite the apparent deflection.

The string does not need to be offset to one side. It should be directly in the center. If you'd like to move the string for some specialized reason, certain knots are employed.

All in all, a nice attempt at a bow for not knowing anything about them and without access to better resources Smiley

More questions?

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I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 4
Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #4 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 12:09am
wow when you give help your really give it that was Exactly what I needed Smiley Seriously thanks so much. It was actually when I saw your bow that I figured I would try at all obviously I wasnt going for your style (my excuse because I didnt know what I was doing!) haha I just tried with some stuff I already had; left over wood trim. Those links are perfect though thanks I went out and bought some cheap arrows today and wow does my bow have some power shooting straight is another story though although I did have this one perfect shot  that I swear was exactly where I was aiming and the arrow went through my 6 layer cardboard target haha to say the least it got me hooked! Cheesy  Where can I get some string that will fit the arrows I purchased correctly right now my string will kinda click in to the notch in the back of my arrows I thought it was cool until I broke the back notch off (string is to thick).  oh and I have a wood planer or rasp do you think that would work? I have a knife to if that wont work.  Finally what does the arrow rest on in a bow like yours?
Thanks for the help! I will probably get some oak tomorrow unless you know of some wood which you think will work better.
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Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #5 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 3:02am
         Greetings, and welcome to the forum! One of the nice things about slinging is the do-it-yourself aspect. Tell us more about your slings and your experiences with them.                                          
         As for your bow, I confess I am fascinated. It may not be pretty, but neither is a Kalashnikov. Both are useful just the same.
After looking at some of the amazing homebuilt hardware posted here on Slinging.org, I am tempted to try some of this stuff myself. Time does not permit, so I'll just have to add yet another item to my to-do list.                                                                                           
         Keep up the good work, Austin, and keep us posted on your progress!                                                                   .......Dan
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I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 4
Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #6 - Aug 4th, 2006 at 11:11am
Hi thanks as for the slings I made they were also made rather differently from most posted on this site.  I made one braided one out of kite string 9 strands which was doubled up for a total of 18 strands thick. Another was fishing line and a cloth pouch and finally my favorite which is ductape (ahh I love the stuff I used to be into making duct tape wallets and stuff so I use it for alot of things) whith a cloth pouch. My aim is terrible but I think thats more of a user error than a sing issue. One really cool thing I found though were these fruits off this tree they are hard and the perfect size!
Update: I got to 6 foot long pieces of red oak today it seems really dense and stiff I hope it will work! I will be busting out the rasp in a bit
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« Last Edit: Aug 4th, 2006 at 6:35pm by Austin »  
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I love Slinging.org!

Posts: 6
Re: A bow I made in a couple hours
Reply #7 - Aug 25th, 2006 at 5:12pm
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