Hello All,
Well as you know I am trying to get some serious looks at what the projectile does when it leaves my sling pouch.
Here are the composite video pictures of the tennis ball leaving the sling along with some other picutres.
The first one:
http://www.frappr.com/?a=viewphoto&id=1491458&pid=2452980With some looking you can see my pouch turning.
The second one:
http://www.frappr.com/?a=viewphoto&id=1491458&pid=2452981You can see the movement of the tennisball through the air.
I actually like this one as it's very clear.
For general interest:
http://www.frappr.com/?a=viewphoto&id=1491458&pid=2457879This one you can see the sling has looped around itself, it didn't seem to hinder my sling release or the range of the shot. Anyway I thought it was worth showing.
I'll have more next Sunday when I get to talk to the video and camera guys and get more data (full video and composite pictures)
PS Next up Roman Glands and Arcon shot.