Woody wrote on Nov 2
nd, 2007 at 4:03pm:
This may dictate tone and even make remarks made on your part more meaningful. The poster you are responding to is a young man and quite possibly less experienced than you in debating.
First of all, it“s really nice of you to act as support troops for Axon50. As you note, he apparently is young and rather naļve. Well, if being young and naļve is a flaw, most people grow out of it in time. (But I suppose he and I should postpone any discussion between us until he has...

When I wrote my reply I was just rather upset (and, I have to say, in my eyes rightfully so) by the deep disrespect
he showed towards the billions of people whose beliefs he brushed off as "wrong or ridiculous". I certainly did not mean to belittle him or to show contempt, and if offence was taken, I apologize. None intended.
When I wrote that it was thinking and saying things like that which made me turn my back on Christianity I very nearly adressed Axon50 by writing "people like you" - but that would have been wrong and very unfair. The kind of "teachers, preachers and missionaries" who tell young, easily influenced people like Axon50 that kind of one-eyed intolerant rubbish and to accept it without questioning -
they made me turn my back in disgust on Christianity.
One of the few really honest and credible Christians I have met was a PhD in theology, had studied on that famous institute in Dallas, and had even learned to read Ancient Greek in order to read the actual oldest preserved texts from the New Testament without anything getting lost in translation. He had also worked as a missionary in India for many years. (Meaning: We are not talking about an ordinary "thirteen-a-dozen" preacher here, OK?) He was
very firm in stating:
"If you disrespect or ridicule the faith of others, question your own faith! A faith that is disrespectful to other fellow humans is not truly rooted in The Lord. The Lord had nothing but love and respect for any human being! You may disagree with other people“s faith, but never disrespect it!".
Enough said, I think.
Lasse C
If you think without questioning, you don“t really think at all...