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By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet (Read 16348 times)
Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #15 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 5:44pm
Thanks alot Jonny......NOW you tell me.   If they ever let me off this iron lung machine....I'll show you how to sling the lead!      wheeezzzeee   coughhh.
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #16 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 6:09pm
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I also love sushi..!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging  Viking

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #17 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 7:37pm
ZINC IS VERY DANGEROUS!!!!! In welding class, we were taught to be out side if we welded any thing with a galvanzied coating. It is also almost killed my machine shop instrutor. Please be very careful with zinc.
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"A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" Old Nordic Proverb
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #18 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 7:43pm
Gun is right.  When zinc get's hot it gives off toxic fumes.  You you do anything with it, do like Gun said be outside in a well ventalated area and use a mask.
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #19 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 8:35pm
I like the chunks of steel rod idea.  Should be pretty cheep, and cylindrical shape of cut-off pieces probably close enough to glande shape to behave OK in sling and in flight.    Only challenge would be to find a power saw to cut them to length.   FYI see below:

For 2oz pieces cut 5/8" rod in 1-7/16" lengths
For 2oz pieces cut 3/4" rod in 1" lengths
For 3oz pieces cut 3/4" rod in 1-1/2" lengths
For 3oz pieces cut 7/8" rod in 1-1/8" lengths
For 4oz pieces cut 7/8" rod in 1-1/2" lengths
For 4oz pieces cut 1" rod in 1-1/8" lengths

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #20 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 8:46pm
Ok, here's another idea.

Anyone here do rock shaping? I don't know much about it, but I'm thinking that a reudimentary shaping wheel could be made from wood and metal, or even stone harder than the intended ammo

I wonder if there are machines out ther for cheap that would grind and polish stones into nice consistend football shapes.

Then again, we could be back to jamming clay into molds and letting them dry in the sun.  Grin
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Ancient weapons, modern

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #21 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 9:35pm

You just gave me an idea.  I wonder how well it would work if someone took a thick steel rod and milled it in the shape of a glande.  That way it would be heavy, aerodynamic, and durable(if you could find it again).
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging  Viking

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #22 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 10:44pm
wasn't there a rock shaping machine on one of the former subjects?
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"A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" Old Nordic Proverb
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #23 - Jul 2nd, 2004 at 11:49pm


I *really* want one of these!!! But I'd be almost as happy if someone else built one. Mine was going to be cast concrete grindstones, with an electric drive. We have lots of nice stone around here for this type of thing, and I could have perfect ammo, and wouldn't need to worry about scattering lead.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #24 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 12:56am
A somewhat underestimated sling ammo, in my opinion,  is the lowly water balloon.  For those who haven't tried it....it is great fun and the ammo, although requiring larger surface area to achieve the desired weight, still flies nearly as far and just as fast out of the pocket.   Now, one does have to procure a fully concave pocket dynamic that cradles the balloon correctly, but the results are well worth it.  One may be surprised at the distance achieved with these seemingly fragile projectiles.   They give great visual feedback as to one's accuracy, especially in direct sunlight.   All in all, a very fast and inexpensive way to produce consistent ammo.   Funny thing too.....I never had one break in the pocket despite my efforts!  And all I used was a thick terry cloth dish rag reinforced at the corners with cords attatched to each corner.   One can sling some very large balloons.....mine averaged the size of two fists put together and they consistently reached well over 200yrds down range.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #25 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 1:00am
P.S.  Did anyone see the expose on the history channel of the ancient Inuit tribes?   They were showing how the Eskimo hunters used ice ball ammo to hunt the white bear.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #26 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 1:06am

But it would be 'cool' (punny, I know) to try frozen ice balls or icicles for those 'hard core' true slingers among us!  You know, with the special break away parka that lets you fully reveal your slinging arm.   My mind now conjures up images of the 'true' slinger wearing an arm warmer with the embroidered Slinging.org logo like Stallone in that  'over the top' movie stinker.  .......YO.....fwippppp.....Adrian....!
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #27 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 11:01am
A "plain vanilla" screw machine could be tooled to cut lengths of steel rod into very nicely shaped glandes at high speed and low cost, ....once you had the screw machine and tooling.    Many other milling machines and lathes could do the same, but slower.   You would not need special tooling, but you would need to program the machine.    mgreenfield
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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #28 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 11:02am
Wow Tech, you're really into the "true slinger" mythos aren't you? Maybe Johnny will draw us up a composite... I'm more a fan of the claok thrown over the shoulder than the tearaway sleeve but to each their own. We'll need a "true slinger" soundtrack for when we go out prowling as well.

Do you remember where /when you saw this program? (if you aren't having a good solid pull at our legs)

(edit: d@mn it Techstuf... I should know better than this - and read more carefully)

The polar bear is the one animal that I pretty much want nothing to do with, and I can't imagine pre-firearms Inuit feeling much different. Even the big cats look pretty soft next to a young "white bear" - the only thing I've ever seen that can come close in terms a raw violent power is an orca, and they are too friendly to take seriously. I think we've become pretty sure of ourselves in our position at the top of the food chain. Being confronted with something that will stalk and hunt you (not mistake you for something else, or be surprised with her cub) for hours or even days is a distinctly uncomfortable feeling.

There is program that repeats pretty often about the Denver zoo's twins. Afwully cute when they are little (and even when they are adults, as long as they don't go insane in captivity - one of the saddest things I've seen). Lots of shots of wild bears shuffling along, or eating berries... You don't often see them exploding out of a stalk to smash a seal, or breaking into a rolling gallop at 45kph.

The arctic is a nice place for slingers though. Ancient beaches (complete with nice stones) all over the place, open ranges in every dirrection. No need to worry about hitting the neighbours house by accident. I bet I could even bag a ptarmigan or two! I don't think I ever got within range of a snowshoe hare, but they should be fair game as well (need big ammo)

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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: By Jupiter! A Historical Sling Bullet
Reply #29 - Jul 3rd, 2004 at 12:20pm
Yes,  glad you caught that,  Matthias!    Blame it on Nwmanitou.....he started it...... with all his "Browless one" talk!   

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