Posts: 119
Mustang, Oklahoma
Golf ball dimples work because a well-hit ball has fast backspin on it. With dimples "gripping" the air, backspin creates high pressure under the ball, and low pressure above the ball, so it actually flys like an airplane. Of course anything BUT pure backspin produces hooks, slices, and other bad results. Hi MGreenfield, I thought that a well hit golf ball did not spin, and the dimples on it helped form a boundry layer of air around it, giving it a more streamlined shape than just a round smooth ball, a spinning ball will have more lift on one side, doesn't matter which, and not fly as true a line as one without spin and may not develope and benefit from a well formed boundry layer, as a non spinning ball. So it seems to me the dimiples on a golf ball do not benefit the sling projectiles. Apparently the best approach to added distance would be the football shaped glandes, spinning on their axis and it that same direction. Although the ones you speak of with backspin may develope lift, makes sense. But, I may be way off base here too!