Hi, folks!
As I've written before, maybe I will visit Spain next year. I'll probably stay in Santiago deCompostela, in Galicia, as I have spanish friends living there, but I'll urely visit Balearic Islands, in order to meet Mateo Caņellas and the other slingers personally!
It would be a nice opportunity for us to meet, wouldn't it?
Things here in our web page are really increasing, and as the majority of the members live in USA, promoting a meeting in this country will be very nice... I never went to Europe, but I know some USA cities, as I travelled there when I was much younger. USA has really beautiful places too, unfortunately most people here from Brasil only visit New York and Miami, which are nice places too, but I would love to know other places such North Carolina, I've heard it is a beautiful place.
Concerning sling throwing become a olympic sport, maybe someday... this would be really great, we must remember that our sport is cheap, difficult to master but easy to begin to practise, and that we only need some rustic material and stones... I can imagine some International Industries trying to invent some "extra- super-excellent-ultra" slings
in order to comercialize it... and some of us, just with simple home made slings, beating the one's with the poch ones...