
I don't sling a thing if I ain't got my sling!
Posts: 188
United Arab Emirates
Dear Yurek,
How about just moulding one of your optimumly-weighted glandes to best approximate the shape of the front section of that 8-to-1 ideal sectional foil design (which, if it had fins and an attaching hook uderneath its belly, would look interestingly like that picture of the World's Record 500+ meter "sling dart" I saw in the Guinness Book in that elusive book stall which I'm still trying to find. I'll bet that that was one of their secrets!), and THEN attaching a COLLAPSIBLE tailing section shaped exactly like that desigh with collapsible rubber fins to the BACK END of the glande, thereby achieving the proper shape in flight AFTER release, while maintaining a conventional GLANDE SHAPE in the pouch PRIOR TO release?
Originally, I envisioned a sort of tiny hard, light plastic Easter egg-like shell container, made up of collapsilbe segments much like one of those collapsible camping cups, which would lengthen with the air resistance and "setback" inertia (like old Soviet-style Tank "setback-armed rounds designed top be fired from non-rifled barrels to achieve higher velocities and mass production simplicity, whereas ours were "spin armed, using centrifugal force to armt he rounds after they were a safe distance out of the barrels, etc.) to extend it once it cleared the pouch/socket. Otherwise, a small piece of celophane tape stuck to the tip of the tail on the end of an inch-or-so thread could be sewn, of tied to the center, or edge of the pouch, and taped to the tip of the tail to "open" it with negilgible resistance/energy loss as it tore free of the puny tape as lt left the sling socket. It would extend to something looking sort of like an insect larvae.
But then, I though of using a properly-shaped rubber baloon-like tailing segment, which could also be folded/collapsed over the gland in the socket, and a small lead or copper BB paced inside its tail tip, or the thread-and-tape or similar method could be used to open it up to the 8-to-1 wing foil sectional "dart"shape without hurting the weight or launching characteristics of the glande.
That way, you could throw the thing normally, and it would extend to the proper shape in flight, and hopefully would fly a lot farter from your conventional sling, while not deviating much in design or expense, from a conventional sling stone/glande!
I hopoe you can make this "long-range" bullet work for you, as I know that you are a good practical mechanical engineer as is obvious from your pictures of your sling and glande experiments.
Your friend always,
Jean Bradberry