Thanks for an idea of measurment. It is very inventive and would be a good way but I'm afraid that GWR require that the projectiles should be marked and recovered. All must be probably documented pretty exactly, filmed and photographed.
Lately I thougt about the local sport airdrome, the problem would be in good marking the points of impact on the concrete slab. The projectiles probaly will bowl far from the impact points , maybe not (?)
Quote:.....I'd love to have a bag full of those 100gm lead glandes! Wow! Almost too pretty to toss.
Me too, maybe the (mentioned by Jeff) snikers molds are the good way for it? Each time I casted limited number of the glandes in the plaster mold and they was finishing off too quickly

Thank you for the quidelines. Each of them is worth consideration. I like that site about a lines drag. The formulas give some image of numerical influence of different factors, interesting.
I have read your posts with care. They are interesting and substancial. I like idea of the net pouch and way of fixing it. It is pretty simple to do and really seems working well. I'm under the impression of your privity about different uses and techniques related with a sling. I'm sure I couldn't describe my slinging ways as well as you in my native language
I never thoguh seriously about a sling as a defensive tool, because I'm not sure what my accuracy would be in the critical situation. Hope I never will be in that situation in the future. However it happened once when I was yang man. Then I really used the sling for the self-defence. But that story seems to be out-topic.
They don't cost much money, bacause I have bought some lead cheaply on the scrap yard. The plaster (of paris?) and the modeling paste are pretty cheap too. But making the good mold required a trial-method. Casting and removal of some surpluses eat up a bit time too.
Before I thought to do it at the ice-plate in the winter, but now I see that it require special weather conditions. It is almost impossible for me to hit them with all organisational job . Thus I hope it will happen in the early spring, probably at the airdrome-plate, when we won't be dependent on the weather so much. I would like to do it as quickly as possible.
Thanks, the metal-dedector is great idea! I have no experience with it and I'm curious how sensitive that device is. I would be honoured seeing you as the second
