Senior Member Past Moderator

Stone Slinger/Stick Thrower
Posts: 381
Sand Creek, CA
Wow, I've been reading your posts about your range achievements! I knew you could do it!! AWESOME!! I'm so excited.
Don't worry about what Jeff said, it was just American humor. I think you are the next world record holder with the sling! We're all excited and displaying our pleasure. Heeeeeee Haaaaaaa! Man, you're making 500! You'll beat it easy when you fine tune things.
As for making a highly aerodynamic sling. I was thinking about it today. I've never heard of spider wire, but the very thin, maybe 1/32"- about 1,5mm steel cable, is very strong and flexible. Infact if it was too flexible the cords would tangle. Which is what I fear could happen with fishing line. I haven't experimented, but I think a well made sling with the steel cable wouldn't be dangerous and would work really well.
I've been reading about other topics too, but I'll reply here. I don't think that slight dimples on the surface of the glandes will affect the distance that much, but when every inch counts, I'd make those things as smooth as possible. Watch out for lead poisoning though. That stuff isn't good for you.
Consider, just consider, that the last world record was made with a 2.5oz "dart." Does that mean that the guy put fins on it and a point? To me that seems like it would be a bad idea, but if anyone wants to give it a try, it's an idea. I believe just plain roundish glands will be best, but I don't want to discount anything.
Jurek, I'm interested in what your new sling for glands looks like. If you have time, take some pictures and post them. And the glands too!
So when you sling for distance, you always use a 47" sling?
I don't want you to just beat the world record. Wouldn't it be awesome to demolish it?!
The pouch or cradle aerodynamics is another big factor. It is traveling the fastest of any part of the sling and thus is very important. Any excess little area of leather or whatever, that isn't necessary, should be removed.
I'm sure there are lots of ways to fine tune it, but if we really want to get radical, we could maybe drop it altogether. In otherwords, make it out of two pieces of steel cable that overlap. (in appearance like the Balearic slings but much smaller) But how would this grip the glandes? Cut grooves into the glandes at two places, like the stripes on a football. The cable could catch on the two grooves. Now that's getting efficient! Obviously such glandes would be a little more time consuming to manufacture, but only a few would have to be made and it would be pretty simple to get a small round file and carve the grooves into such soft metal as lead. This isn't regular slinging, this is the world record, and anything helps.
Can you imagine what you could do with such a sling! That's prime efficiency! Space age slinging!