Yes, I think these slingers are right-handed, but it´s interesting the affair of left-handed slingers.
When I read for the first time in the Bible the text of the war of Israel against the Benjaminites, it surprised me that it was valued so much the presence in the Benjamin army of "700 selected men, all left-handed people, able to hit a hair without failing the shot". It was evident that the characteristic of being left-handed seemed to be a good quality for a slinger. A small investigation on Biology put me clued in the matter: As all we know, our brain is divided in two hemipheres or halves that generally make different functions. The left brain is mainly responsible for the rational functions, the verbal thought, the language, the mathematical calcule, etc. The right brain is responsible for the intuition, the spontaneity, the handling of things, the imagination, the visualization, the feelings and emotions, etc. It has been observed that the left-handed people have the right brain more developed, that they have more functionality in it. It is logical as the right brain controls the left part of the body and vice versa. Then here is the secret. In "the way of the sling" article I said that accuraccy is better with the intuitive shot, without conscious control or voluntary thought. It was also very important to put into play feelings and emotions to mobilize the spontaneous mechanisms of precision. It´s then clear that the left-handed people have all these capacities more developed than the right-handed, so they will become the best slingers, and in general they will be better in any intuitive discipline.
Well, left-handed buddies, mgreenfield, english, Johnny... the slingers team of the site trust in you for the near future