It is believed the sling originates with the earliest homo sapiens, even Neanderthals, although it's hard to prove other than knowing their skill set was sufficient to make a sling. There is that neolithic (could be paleolithic, someone have dating on the art?) cave painting of a supposed slinger.
I have been thinking about the weapon development sling, and I think it evolved in this fashion:
- The first projectile was the rock, thrown by hand.
- People realized that if a cord was attached to it, greater force and range could be gained. (a kind of tethered rock, like those balls with streamers). However, cord was time consuming to make and people would have to carry many of these during a hunt, and possibly lose them.
- The tethered rock evolved into the bola (same weapon, but rocks at both ends, and possibly more than one set), effectively used to bring down quadruped animals by wrapping up their feet.
- The sling would seem like a logical step from the tethered rock. The physical ideas behind that of a sling (pouch opening up to release the rock tangentially) seems like one step ahead developentally, and would come naturally after experience with the tethered rock. It was essentially the same weapon, but reusable. Because the weapon was used repeatedly by an individual, like a bow, the quality and design development would have grown quickly (cord quality and type, pouch type, even projectiles), into what is todays standard sling.