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Stonebow (Read 6630 times)
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May 3rd, 2006 at 10:45am
Can't remember who wanted me to make one, but I found my book, and a place that sells steel bows, so looks like a stonebow for a summer project (if I can find the time).

The book I have on this is

THE CROSSBOW by Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey

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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #1 - May 3rd, 2006 at 2:53pm
Cool, I'll be waiting. Smiley
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #2 - May 3rd, 2006 at 4:06pm
   Hello, Roy,                                                                                 
      I too have been tempted to try my hand at making a crossbow and stonebows are particularly unusual and interesting. Please tell us where your supplier is for steel bows??                         .......Dan
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 that was a rock.

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #3 - May 3rd, 2006 at 5:33pm
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #4 - May 3rd, 2006 at 9:08pm
I have never seen a stonebow before, this is the first I've heard of it.
When did it come about?

I've become greatly interested in this invention!
Though I would prefer a longbow. A stone longbow? ???
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That was'nt a duck...
 that was a rock.

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #5 - May 3rd, 2006 at 9:13pm
Its a version of a crossbow meant to hunt small game and birds.  The earliest I can find is 16th century.  More of a nobility weapon.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #6 - May 3rd, 2006 at 9:16pm
I wonder why someone decided to make a bow out of stone that recent in history....
What kind of stone is it generally made from?
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...&&Each all must his end abide. august 13th, rip Sad&&Varje man är sin egen konung.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #7 - May 3rd, 2006 at 9:19pm
wait... it shoots stones.... not made from them right  ???
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #8 - May 3rd, 2006 at 9:24pm
Bjarn  Undecided  Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

it shoots stones 

sorry for the confusion  Undecided
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #9 - May 4th, 2006 at 1:03am
I wonder why someone decided to make a bow out of stone that recent in history....
What kind of stone is it generally made from?

    Greetings, Bjarn,                                                                     
       A "stonebow" is a type of crossbow that typically has a stock shaped somewhat like a question mark  {  ?  } with the bow mounted at the top of the question mark and the straight end ( near the dot ) held against the shoulder. The bow is generally made of steel. The purpose of the oddly shaped stock is to allow clearance for the stone. Instead of launching a bolt down a track or rails, the stonebow launches a golfball sized stone or clay ball. I believe they were primarily designed to hunt birds, although you could probably take rabbits or other small game with it. Of course, it kills by impact force alone. Oddly enough, the effect is rather like a stone launched from a sling! ( Although much less skill is required to use it. )                     
      I saw one in a display case at a museum once ( If I remember correctly, it was Flemish ) and it was VERY nicely made and probably expen$$$ive. I guess we'll just have to stick with our beloved slings
but it doesn't hurt to daydream about fun "exotica!"                   
      Roy, thanks for the link! I will check it out!   .......Dan
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #10 - May 4th, 2006 at 12:05pm
sorry buddy but that book "the crossbow' by Sir Ralph Payne Gallwey was written about eighty or a hundred years ago. The company that you can send a wooden prod and they will send you back a fully steel one ( I think it is in Bavaria but not sure) is probably defunct . You can grind out your own steel prod with a Volkswagon leafspring and a decent grinder. I'm sure a quality well-stocked welding shop will have a grinder that can handle grinding decent tempered carbon steel. I already checked out one of Ralph Gallweys decendents and he is pretty certain that there is no more steel prod manufacturers in Europe.
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That was'nt a duck...
 that was a rock.

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #11 - May 4th, 2006 at 1:47pm
Well I have a copy of the book Roll Eyes, and just last year talked to someone here in the States that made steel bows. Wink  So nothing to be sorry about. Grin

I have the ability to make my own bow from a spring, just not the time.
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #12 - May 4th, 2006 at 1:52pm
I decided it was time to do a stonebow complete but leave the prod to the experts, so I bought one of Alchem’s 100 lb prods. Very professionally done steel prod. That string is enough of a project in itself!   

I’ve seen the term prod or prodd used to describe the stonebow proper, any comments?

I have a hardbound 1958 printing of THE CROSSBOW (acquired in the late sixties). There’s a whole section on trebs etc.

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« Last Edit: May 9th, 2006 at 7:59pm by Thomas »  
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That was'nt a duck...
 that was a rock.

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Re: Stonebow
Reply #13 - May 4th, 2006 at 2:03pm
How did you like the 100# ?

I was thinking around the same poundage.
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Re: Stonebow
Reply #14 - May 4th, 2006 at 4:17pm
Its a version of a crossbow meant to hunt small game and birds.  The earliest I can find is 16th century.  More of a nobility weapon.
They were invented in China and brought to Europe sometime in the middle ages.  I think that somewhere there is a reference to stone shooting crossbow in the 13th century.  In any case, they are very ancient in use in China, probably pre-Han dynasty.  They were used as recently as the 1960s in China to kill birds and small animals - as were repeating pellet crossbows.
  I was a little confused to begin with, because I think of  a "stone/pellet bow" as a hand-bow that shoots pellets or pebbles, and a "pellet crossbow" as.... well, I think that's obvious.  Stone bows are very, very ancient in use - used from China south-east Asia to central America and medieval Europe.  Quite difficult to use, but quite elegant.
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