Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2101
Austin, Tx.
An Indian cultural gathering and dance celebration
huddle: (informal) a quick private conference
a council of or with Native Americans
hold a powwow, talk, conference or meeting
A pow-wow (sometimes powwow or pow wow) is a gathering of Native Americans. It derives from the Narragansett word powwaw, meaning shaman. It has since come to be used to describe any gathering of Native Americans of any tribe, and as such is occasionally heard in older Western movies. The word has also been used to refer to any meeting, but especially a congress, a friendly gathering, or a meeting of powerful people such as officers in the military.
PowWow was one of the first Internet instant message and chat programs for Windows. It was made by a company called Tribal Voice. This is a quintessential internet startup meltdown story.