I don't want to alarm you or make you feel bad, but you have a possible hinge on the bottom limb, about a fist and a half below your hand. Check it out. Top limb looks fine, but the bottom limb is too weak, I think, and appears to have the hinge I mentioned.
Quote:I was always tought to draw two fingerd with my righthand drawing the string pointer and middle finger on the right hand side of the bow.
Im a horrid archer, maybe im doing it wrong
My cross bow is makeing me mad..It shoots fine one day then the next (when i have a crowd to watch ) it shoots like crap zinging clear off to the right
Maybe i could get a video up (found my camera dylan will never see it) and you guys could give me a suggestion of what's going wrong...
by the way where is ben? I dug that vest out of winter storage just for him
I think the crossbow problem is easily solved. I expect, although I don't know, that you have been drawing the string from a little left of centre. Make sure that every time you draw a crossbow, you draw the exact centre of the string back to the notch, or else the bolt will veer off in one direction or another. Another problem could also be the seating of the bolt in the groove.