funda_iucunda wrote on May 1
st, 2009 at 5:18pm:
a beautyfull and very accurate work! Looks great! Do you have details of Tuts sling?
Concerning the shape of the pouch I had the experience that if you weave tight and hard the concave shape will form automatically as the higher tension of the weft forces the material to this (at least this is my interpretation). The concave shape is missing at another sling which I made first without weaving it as tight.
funda iucunda
The only information I had to go on with this sling was the Burton photograph. As to the shaping of the original, I looked at the angle formed by the warp strings down the middle of the sling, which looks pretty tight. I think that using tight tension to make the concave shape would make a more rounded, smooth shape, rather than the crisp V that's in the photograph. The sling in Manchester Museum that David Morningstar posted pictures of on this thread a few days ago might be an example of what the tension does to the shape. All this is just my own theory, and I'd love to see others' reconstructions to compare results.
When I have the time, I'll see if I can get some pictures of the loom I made, and how I used it. But I’m not exactly sure where I put it. In fact, though I hate to admit it, I misplaced Tut's sling when I was taking pictures for my website, and it hasn't been seen for several weeks. So, I may have to make another, and that might be better anyway, because then I could document the process.
-Timothy Potter