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Inka firebombs. (Read 15381 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

Posts: 3235
Akron NY
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Inka firebombs.
Feb 2nd, 2006 at 3:38pm
  from the book  1491, by Charles Mann.

   " The Inka heated stones in campfires until they were red hot, wrapped them in pitched soaked cotton, and hurled them at there targets. the cotton caught fire in mid-air. In a sudden onslaught the sky would rain burning missles. In 1536, the Inka used these missles to burn spanish occupied Qosqo to the ground."

     Seperated by continents, yet they had similar ideas to European slingers.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #1 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 7:51pm
wow, to catch on fire midair you'd have to have really good timing.
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #2 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 8:24pm
Hey thats really interesting.. thanks!
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Delaware, USA
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #3 - Feb 2nd, 2006 at 8:29pm
How did they keep their slings from catching on fire? Shocked
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #4 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 12:18am
Hellfire asked about the spelling of Inka in a duplicate thread that I removed (sorry Hellfire, but this version had three responses Smiley): Both Inca and Inka are used, though Inca seems to be mst commmon these days and in American literature.

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

Posts: 3235
Akron NY
Gender: male
Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #5 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 2:01pm
I suppose the slingers would have to be pretty fast to not have the slings catch fire. It doesn't say.
  What I want to know is why didn't the cotton catch fire whenit was wrapped around the rock?
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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New England, USA
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #6 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 2:13pm
ha, and more importantly, how did they not cath themselves on fire  Shocked
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #7 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 3:56pm
I think pitch can catch fire only when in liquid state, thus the stone must liquify it first, giving you few seconds for a fast cast without much windup. Anyone knows which style Incas used for these? I would guess overhand, but dunno...
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #8 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 5:17pm
it might have been the style that it seems david used against goliath for a fast cast
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #9 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 5:59pm
Stenny, based on numberous burns on my forearm, pitch can burn in a solid state also.

I would think this would be a pretty effective weapon against buildings. Perhaps the cotton was soaked like a slowmatch so it would only burn when it got hot enough.
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Delaware, USA
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #10 - Feb 3rd, 2006 at 11:19pm
I wonder how the hot rocks were transported to a battle site. Building a fire to heat the rocks would take time and give away ones position.Toting around a bunch of hot rocks doesn't sound like a sound battlefield tactic.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #11 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 3:37am
In a siege building a fire where you need it can be done.
And in mountainus areas it might be posible to position your fire above what is going to be the battlefield.

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Don't Badger a Badger

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Akron NY
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #12 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 10:52am
All the book says is that they launched after 2 or 3 swings. My bet would be overhead, to keep the sling away from sensitive body parts. Shocked
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The greatest of all the accomplishments of 20th cent. science has been the discovery of human ignorance  The main difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has it's limits.-Einstein   I'm getting psychic as I get older. Or is that psychotic?
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Delaware, USA
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #13 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 10:55am
I would think ANY body part would be sensitive to a red hot rock! Shocked
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Re: Inka firebombs.
Reply #14 - Feb 4th, 2006 at 4:52pm
But if the cotton was soaked like a "slowmatch" or something similar, and only ignited when it got hotter.....
Then... How did they make it hot enough??
The stone would rapidly lose it`s heat once removed from the fire...
If pitch soaked cotton was indeed wrapped around "red hot" stones, what was the mechanism for it to "burst into flame in mid-air"??
Also, that whole thing about red-hot stones seems pretty strange to me..

It makes for decent fantasies, and interesting "what-if's" but very little else..

Something tells me it`s time for us all to get our heads out of the skies, grab a handful of dirt, and snort it like a motherf*... *coughs*
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