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Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings (Read 2751 times)
Senior Member

Posts: 336
Utah, USA
Gender: male
Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Jan 23rd, 2006 at 5:16pm
Hehe, I know, I know... Just goofing around with the camera again.  The snow was last weekend, the grass was the weekend before.

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Posts: 617
Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #1 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 5:49pm
Nicely done. Those slings look just about right for rabbits. I do have a question, what kind of ammo do you guys use? Here in Canada I can only get .223 with 40-55gr bullets, I had some canadian army ammo that was 5.56mm with 75gr bullets but can't seem to buy them.
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Utah, USA
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #2 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 8:12pm
I was using 68gr JHPBT. My friend was using 45 Nosler balistic tips.  Grin
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #3 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 8:37pm
yep mighty big and mean rabbits arent they?
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Posts: 617
Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #4 - Jan 23rd, 2006 at 10:13pm
We have snowshoe hares here! They are one of those super animals like the flying squirrel or the electric eel!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Give me a rock, a sling,
and give me some room

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virginia, for now
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #5 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 8:22am
Or that rabbit from Monty Python! It's got sharp pointy teeth--look at the BONES!
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Foolish is he who frets at night,&&And lies awake to worry'&&A weary man when morning comes,&&He finds all as bad as before&&-Excerpted from "The Havemal"
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Don't laugh at me, I can
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #6 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 8:36am
It is the most fuel, cruel, bad tempered rodent you've ever set your eyes on! It can leap about...
Oh well Wink.
Can you use anything from the rabbit if you shot it with that slong? I have seen some rabbit shot by a .223 and it practically exploded...
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Slinger, martial artist, knife thrower, blowgunner and general weirdo since 1998.&&Proud owner of official Zombie hunting permit and scars to prove it's worth.&&Underestimating a fighter or a weapon is the surest way to make plastic surgeons happy.
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Utah, USA
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #7 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 11:44am
Yeah, I aimed center of mass on a the cotton tail. It did explode, but luckily the hind quarters and lower back were in tact and salvagable to eat.  From now on I'm going to  either use my .22 or aim for the head.  But for jackrabbits, the .223 is perfect. Of course they are three times the size of the cotton tails. It killed the jackrabbits stone dead without so much as a twitch. Jackrabbits are considered a nuisance here in Utah and are not a protected species. They can be killed all year with any weapon. Because of their propensity for carrying some nasty diseases and their poor meat quality we just use em for target practice then leave them as a free meal for the hawks and owls. Saw a beautiful, huge, hawk on one of the jackrabbits I shot.  CottonTails and SnowShoe hares are different though, we have our hunting licenses for those and they sure are tasty.

Hunting rabbits has given me some insight about relying on them for food in a survival situation.

Jackrabbits would be near impossible to kill without a gun out here. They immediately start running and they don't stop until they are way out of range for anything but a rifle. If I were in a survival situation I'd eat them, but I'd handle them very carefully and cook the meat just short of turning it to charcoal.

The cotton tails stand still just outside of their burrows, and could be taken with a bow or sling. But you'd have to spot them then be really sneaky and a crack shot.

I've seen other areas, like up in washington, where the rabbits are everywhere, don't run very much, and have little or no cover. I could kill those with a stick. Out here in Utah though, where they have plenty of cover and spook real easy, the best bet would be using traps and snares if a rifle wasn't available.

Lesson learned: The terrain you are hunting has a tremendous impact on hunting success even if hunting the same animal.
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 that was a rock.

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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #8 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 3:32pm
Lesson learned: The terrain you are hunting has a tremendous impact on hunting success even if hunting the same animal.

  It also depends on how much hunting pressure is on the game animal.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #9 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 6:47pm
Whats with the blurred faces this isnt spec ops.
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zero tolerance=zero intelligence
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #10 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 7:33pm
He could tell you, but he'd have to kill you.
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Delaware, USA
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Re: Rabbit Hunting with Hi Powered Slings
Reply #11 - Jan 24th, 2006 at 10:44pm
Refer to poster on wall of local post office 8)
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