Wood that will work for a bow:
red cedar, mulberry, red oak, white oak, black oak, black ash, white ash, ironwood, hackberry, elm, beech, osage, yew, cascara, vine maple, hard maple, bl maple, black locust, honey locust, juniper, hickory, chokecherry, black cherry, pin cherry, plum... many others.
Basically, if the wood is above 39 lbs. to the cubic foot, or .5 specific gravity, then it will work for a bow.
Need any more details on making a bow just ask. such as..
how wide?
how long?
stiff handle/bendy handle?
ect, ect..
websites for bows:
www.stickbow.com- g2 leatherwall
Suggest you go to paleoplanet, and read up the archives, particularly the Archery resource center, it has very good articles for beginning bowyers.
If you need a pic of a very basic bow I just made, just ask, its made of a red oak 1by2by6'.
Hope this helps.
correct tiller, or bend, for a bow.

diagram for sudbury bow:

pic of red oak tree