
There is something you can do. You can go to Home Depot, Lowes, or any other such spot, and go buy a 1by2by6ft long red oak board. I will name other woods you can make into bows(from boards) They are as follows.
Hickory, White Ash, Green Ash, Black Cherry, Elm(somewhat rare in board form), Red Cedar(get a 1by3by6for this one), Walnut(spendy), white oak, pecan, mostly any hard wood.
Woods that wont work
Aspen, Cottonwood, Poplar, Balsa(thats a real duh), Pine, Basswood(suppose you could call it linden or lime), and Willow.
Did you get my PM? Then go to You ought to get help there for board bows. Hope this helps.
You might want to go into atlatls, if so, check out my good buddy Daryls website, I met him a few years back at Jeffers, he's a great guy. He has all sorts of dimensions for all kinds of atlatls, all free! Usually, you have to send them website owners money for dimensions of stuff(paypal). Daryl's a great guy. He's also at Paleoplanet, under the name Thudling. Hope thsi helps-again.