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Shopping bag challenge! (Read 14750 times)
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Shopping bag challenge!
Jun 30th, 2005 at 8:34pm
In light of be_slinger and Klarth's recent posts on making cordage and slings from that most ubiquitous of urban survival materials, I'd like to suggest/announce/sponsor the first slinging.org plastic bag challenge.

No prizes, but glory and admiration to all who participate. Let's see those shopping bags braided, twisted, knotted! Trash bags tied into terrific shapes. Patterns! Colours! These slings will last for a thousand years!

All constructions eligible. Slings of any size qualify. The only limit is that the sling must be made entirely from plastic bags. Extra (ficticious) points awarded for originality, eco-friendlyness, appearance, style...

I bet between all 480 of us we can come up with some really striking slings!

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2005 at 9:50pm
lol good idea Matthias, Ill give that a whirl.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2005 at 11:26pm
The gauntlet has been cast......

And 'Clint Eastwood'  I ain't.


However,  I must not sidestep this singularly important challenge.

I will apply myself assiduously to your requested task!

I just hope I don't suffocate myself is all.




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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #3 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 12:13am
Waahoo! You're on.   Grin
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #4 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 1:08am
Save the earth!  Reuse plastic!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #5 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 2:57pm
Challenge taken.

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« Last Edit: Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:25pm by Willeke »  

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Sling when you're winning

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #6 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:23pm
lol no doubt willeke wil lcome up with somehtign just as good as all her other slings...
Ill also take up the challenge, ive had a go already with a bin bag, was nt very pretty tho...
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Sling when you're winning

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Near Manchester, England
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #7 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:26pm
Oo ive got an idea that could work well with binbage, not knotting or braiding i dont htink.  I met it sailing, a way of shortening a line by putting oen loop through another and through another and so on...
Wait and see...
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I'm slinging in the rain, such a glorious feeling...
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #8 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 4:54pm
lionheart: That sounds a lot like crochet's chain stitch, I think. That's what I made my jute sling out of, it worked real well then.

Alright, I guess I have the first entry then(No doubt due to having WAY too much time on my hands). It's made pretty similar to my last one, plus variations in color. So, here it is!


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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #9 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:04pm
Lionheart, that knot sounds like the chain knot.  It is really cool.  I first ran into this when I was a kid, watching some building contractors, they used it to tie up a L-O-N-G electrical cord and stow it in their truck.  The really neat part was, when they wanted to stretch out the cord they just grabbed one end and pulled, it came apart like magic! One of the guys tried to show me how it worked, but I didn't get it at the time.  Forgot about it until I saw a picture of
Knollslinger's sling, all shortened up
, and I HAD to figure out how it was done.  Finally succeeded.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #10 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:08pm
Klarh,  Cool looking sling!  I always like alternating black/white patterns.

Yeah, come to think of it, my Dad used to crochet things, and that's the knot he used.  A large crochet hook would make it real fast and easy to shorten up a sling.  I've been doing it by pushing the loops through with my finger.
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No, I don't live in a glass house.&&&&"If builders built buildings the way programmers write programs, then the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization."&&&&Context matters!  "Nothing but net" is a BAD thing in tennis...
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Sling when you're winning

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Near Manchester, England
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #11 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:09pm
Ye thats what i meant, i didnt know what its called.  If you just use loops, it ocmes apart like a quickl release knot, if u just put the string throug hthe funal loops it doesnt come undone.  On boats its use to keep long ropes out of the way
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I'm slinging in the rain, such a glorious feeling...
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #12 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:12pm
Ok so I tried to drop spindle my strips of plastic bags, but I guess this isnt how its done?? I feel stupid. lol...
Are you guys just reverse-twisting strips of plastic bags to make your cord, or is their a faster way to make the cordage. Im a total novice at this...  Roll Eyes
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The Ultimate Newbie

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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #13 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 5:34pm
What I did was spiral-cut strips out of the bag(I think mine were somewhere around 2") and then spun them either way. Once I got them spun the first time, I would go back and tie the two loose ends together. Then I would spin it in the opposite direction. I would then repeat until the cord was thick or short enough.
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Senior Member

I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Shopping bag challenge!
Reply #14 - Jul 1st, 2005 at 8:22pm
I see, thanks ill try that.  Grin
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