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Air Gun Fun (Read 4452 times)
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I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Air Gun Fun
Jun 8th, 2005 at 2:56pm
Well had my Air Gun out yesterday. My wife purchased it for me for Christmas and this is the first chance I've had to get the scope sighted in. It is a Gamo Shadow 1000
or something. 1000fps, one cock, one shot, spring powered. It is great! I cut a crayon in half from 35 feet away on my first try, after getting the scope sighted.
i wouldve gone for a much longer distance  to make sure it is as accurately sighted in as possible but I was doing this in the house. My backdrop was a medium sized carboard box stuffed tight with crumpled newspapers, and two heavy blankets folded in quarters behind it to catch the ones that went through. Imagine my surprise when I went to pack it up there were two pellet holes in the door behind the backdrop. It went through the box, 8 layers of blanket and both sides of the doors. Weak doors mind you not the solid wood ones youd have for you front door but still WOW. It changed my mind on using pointed pellets for hunting, as they have too much penetration and would probably just go right through game instead of expanding. The ones that went through the doors I found and they were hardly deformed at all. Fun stuff, air guns rule , and if anyone has any cool/funny/ or whatever stories about theirs feel free to post.-Josh
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Posts: 617
Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #1 - Jun 8th, 2005 at 10:24pm
Go with the most solid pellets you can find. The pointed ones penetrate too much and don't kill, and the hollowpoint ones don't penetrate at all and don't kill. I like these pellets that gamo makes that are a solid lead ball. Like a little mini musket ball. I think they impact with more force than a regular pellet. Do not however put them in a bb gun. They are a tiny bit too big and seem to be too soft for that. And can't remember if I ever tried that but I do recall it was a hassle. We also used to get these pellets that I think were called "prometheus" pellets. They were hardened aluminium with a nylon sleeve to make a good seal. They added about 200 fps to most guns, were almost unbreakable, and were good fun. They came in both .177 and .22 cal. I used to shoot the .22s out of a sheridan air pistol with a scope. You could here a little crack as they flew, like a .22 rifle.
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I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #2 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 12:49am
Wow!! Do you know any links to the types of pellets your talking about?
Also I was thinking what about wadcutters? You know the ones that have the flat nose and regular pellet-type skirt. Accoirding to the little comparison sheet I have they are supposed to be the most accurate.  It seems like with the flat nose they wouldnt over-penetrate. Anyways cool thnks for the info , gives me something to think about.
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #3 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 12:59am
I always thought that the .177 wadcutters were a little light. I could be off base. I sometimes shoot wadcutters with my .357, I load them up as .38 special only with slightly more powder. The shape makes them leave a nice clean circle in targets. As for more accurate I'm not really sure they are any more accurate, but like I said they are good for competition because they leave clean holes. I assume the pellets would be for the same purpose.

I'll try to either find those pellets on the net, or maybe I can find a box still in the shed. They came in neat little watertight plastic boxes with hinged lids. I think I may have kept some to put odds and ends in.
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #4 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 9:05am
Nice  airgun indeed, last summer i got  a shadow 1000 in .22  and i'm very happy with it,  2 years ago i got  a CF -30 also in .22 caliber it's similar to the shadow 1000 but it has fixed barrel with underbarrel lever to cock the spring, and wood stock.
Sad to say it's ilegal here in Spain to  hunt with airguns, they will fine you and confiscate  your airgun if caught outdoors shooting... Sad  it's only legal for target shooting inside a shooting club  Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad  Sad
El gamo made a lot of different pellets
Diabolo (biconical flat nose)
Magnum (biconical point nose)
Hunter (biconical round nose)
rocket (biconical with steel ball nose)
spheric (lead ball slightly overcalibrated only for .177)
not from el gamo, there are some bullet point with sabot  named prometheus  with very high penetration and accuracy
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #5 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 10:08am
Yes, those are the ones. Hardened aluminium with nylon sabots?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #6 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 1:42pm
Google for "prometheus pellet".  ("prometheus pellets" brings up a bunch of stuff about a rocket project, go figure).

They appear to be available only in the UK; or at least, none of the Web sites were based elsewhere.

Just going by the pictures, they look more like nylon pellets with a metal nose-cone, not like the nylon is just a sabot.
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I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #7 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 2:13pm
Zorro I'd love to get a fixed barrel version of the one I have. The only problem I have with my gamo shadow (and it isnt really a problem per se) is the amount of recoil. Im not used to it, nor do I know the proper shooting technique for a gun with recoil so im not as accurate as i was with my pnuematic (sp?) gun. Besides that it is truly awsome and hopefully ill be able to hunt with it a bit once I get that problem licked.
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #8 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 8:23pm
The nose cone has a ferrule that is as long as the pellet. And the nylon wraps around that and butts up against the nose.
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I sling therefore I am.

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Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #9 - Jun 9th, 2005 at 10:59pm
Well I looked at the prometheus pellet and must say im impressed. Much cleaner, faster, much more accurate etc. which makes me wonder just how much they cost. Can you buy them in America? hmm... I think the ones I saw came with 100 or 150 each...cant remember exactly, but ethier way didnt seem like much. Still Id like to get my hands on some of those.
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #10 - Jun 10th, 2005 at 2:07am
I think they were about ten dollars canadian for 100. But you only needed one. I always thought that if I could get just the nylon skirts I could shoot them over and over. the points were never deformed. And we shot them through all kinds of metal, into phone books, sand bags, etc. The skirts were trashed every time.
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #11 - Jun 11th, 2005 at 12:53pm
Zorro I'd love to get a fixed barrel version of the one I have.

Here's a pic of El Gamo CF-30

There are 3 models fixed barrel with similar features to the shadow 1000
el gamo  CF-30 it's an old model, it has uderbarrel lever and sort of a guillotine load port, the loading sequence is:
1.-cock the spring with the underbarrel lever, this also will rise the guillotine loading port behind the rear sights and will set safety on
2.- load the pellet into the gullotine port
3.- press down the guillotine port so pellet gets inline with the air exaust.
4.- set safety off .
5.- fire
The new models are CFX royale (wood stock) and CFX fiber stock (same grey fiber stock as the shadow 1000)
The fiber stock model is a bit lighter but  gravity center is  placed forward wich i dislike. wood stock model is better balanced but  a bit more heavy.
CFX comes with fiber optic sights and the tip of the barrel has supressor-like end.
The loading port has been changed, now is sort of a rotatory block.
loading sequence is now a bit more "time consuming"
1.-cock the spring with the underbarrel lever, this also will  set safety on
2.-open the rotatory port, this will expose a funnel to drive pellet into the air chamber.
3.- load  a pellet into the air chamber.
4.-close the rotatory port.
5.- set safety off .
6.- fire
This can be a lot cumbersome if you are just plinking or hunting...  that is why i bought  a shadow 1000 instead of a CFX after my CF-30. (besides i enjoy a lot more open sights than a riflescope at  argun ranges and shadow 1000 comes with fiber optic open sights  Grin
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Never disturb your enemy when it's making a mistake (Napoleon Bonaparte)
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I sling therefore I am.

Posts: 373
Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #12 - Jun 11th, 2005 at 3:22pm
I love my shadow, I just worry that since its a break barrel design it will be less accurate, or the hinge may become loose eventually and throw off accuracy. Any possiblity to that ya think? Nice looking gun by the way. Smiley
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Yeah, i guess most of
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #13 - Jun 12th, 2005 at 5:07am
Break barrel design is though enough, i've been using  El gamo airguns for years (expomatic model,  the little sister of shadowmatic)  and have shoot thousands of pellets and hunted and plinked? a lot with it and it was flawless after years of very intensive use (my pellet stock was never under 3000 pellets, and  usually i carried outdoors no less than 500  just  not to run out of ammo)
Now here it's ilegal to hunt with an airgun, and most of the species  i used to hunt are now protected Sad   but still enjoying my airguns whenever i can   Grin
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Never disturb your enemy when it's making a mistake (Napoleon Bonaparte)
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Senior Member

I sling therefore I am.

Posts: 373
Rowlett, TX, USA
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Re: Air Gun Fun
Reply #14 - Jun 12th, 2005 at 2:30pm
Thats too bad man, come to Texas sometime and we'll go hunt some squirrels, I hear they're tastey Smiley
Thanks for the info. Everytime i read this thread i get this irresistible urge to go shoot my gun lol. Thnks.  Grin
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