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Get 'em while you can. (Read 7896 times)

its ok, they couldn't
hit an elephant at aaaaargh

Posts: 140
Leeds UK
Gender: male
Get 'em while you can.
May 27th, 2005 at 8:43am
You Americans do not know how lucky you are..... look what they are trying to Ban in the UK


Today's headlines  News archive  Friday 27 May 2005   

Kitchen knife ban sought

Accident and emergency doctors today call for the banning of long, sharp kitchen knives, arguing they account for at least half of all stabbings.

They say such knives slice through clothing and penetrate vital organs.

"Many assaults are impulsive, often triggered by alcohol or misuse of other drugs, and the long, pointed kitchen knife is an easily accessible, potentially lethal weapon, particularly in the domestic setting," say the doctors from the West Middlesex university hospital, London, in the British Medical Journal.

Knives "of less than 5cm [2ins] in length" or with blunt, round ends would meet culinary needs and be far less likely to result in fatalities.

The doctors, Emma Hern, Will Glazebrook and Mike Beckett, say: "Unfortunately, no data seem to have been collected to indicate how often kitchen knives are used in stabbings, but our own experience and that of police officers and pathologists we have spoken to indicate they are used in at least half of all cases.

"UK government statistics show that 24% of all 16-year-old boys report carrying knives or other weapons, and 19% admitting attacking someone with the intent to cause harm.

"Although other weapons - such as baseball bats, screwdrivers and chains - are also carried, by far the most common weapons are knives."
Copyright © 2005 The Guardian. Source: Financial Times Information Limited 

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Interfector Viris Spurii

Give me a rock, a sling,
and give me some room

Posts: 1020
virginia, for now
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2005 at 10:27am
Oh, god forgive anyone should arm the British with some more than plastic knives! What's next? Sporks?
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Foolish is he who frets at night,&&And lies awake to worry'&&A weary man when morning comes,&&He finds all as bad as before&&-Excerpted from "The Havemal"
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #2 - May 27th, 2005 at 10:42am
Insanely, the same paper also had a report on a speech by the British PM, Tony Blair, appealing for a reduction in the Compensation Culture that is invading Britain from the USA....

By the way, there is also a move afoot to have all hot water boliers in Domestic Bathrooms fitted with Limiters, to stop people burning themselves on Hot Water.

CAUTION!! reading this website while driving is Dangerous.
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #3 - May 27th, 2005 at 10:54am
If there are two things I hate, they are litigation and overly cautious, priggish people.
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Sling when you're winning

Posts: 229
Near Manchester, England
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2005 at 12:14pm
And people say we dont livei n a nanny state...
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I'm slinging in the rain, such a glorious feeling...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #5 - May 27th, 2005 at 2:39pm
shame that people are trying to turn the children into bubble children with no experience with anything that they would incounter in the real world of adult life.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Posts: 234
Calgary, Canada
Gender: male
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #6 - May 27th, 2005 at 11:48pm
Better go buy any knives, guns, bows and arrows you want now, because soon you won't be able to get any fun toys. 
The good news is that you could still make slings and knap knifes.  Of course getting caught with anything like that would get you in trouble.
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-Self inflicted wounds don't count for sympathy.&&
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Posts: 736
Cheshire, England
Gender: male
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #7 - May 28th, 2005 at 5:00am
Ugh, it is like Britain has an elect sector of people devoted to banning one thing after another to make a show of trying to reduce crime. If you outlaw long knives, then only outlaws will have them. They are basically creating an entire new subculture of criminal, the long knife carrier. It is ludricrous. They are not fighting crime/criminals, they are fighting a domestic implement. If they wanted less crime, they should be attacking that directly.
I would like to outlaw pointless bureaucracy and political maneuverings.
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The last time I saw a rainbow I threw my beard over it
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #8 - May 28th, 2005 at 8:48am
Well then being a politician would be something street kids would aspire to, and that isn't good.

Better go buy any knives, guns, bows and arrows you want now, because soon you won't be able to get any fun toys.   
The good news is that you could still make slings and knap knifes.  Of course getting caught with anything like that would get you in trouble.
Can't buy guns, bows are all compounds or fibreglass monsters, ONLY for target shooting - hunting with them is, of course, illegal.  I should think a knapped flint knife would be something that most policemen would think is just a harmless artifact.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #9 - May 28th, 2005 at 9:15am
also they wouldent think much of the sling untill they saw you casting stones Wink
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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slings the handheld arlilery

Posts: 391
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #10 - May 28th, 2005 at 4:49pm
any police iv talked to has said it is nigh on impossilbe to police all these laws when i have a knife with me i also carry a carving because dog walkers are the only other people i see when im out so i show them im a good lad doing somthing constructive and i dont get reported police tend not to go where there are so few people
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listen to old people
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #11 - Jun 1st, 2005 at 6:03am
That's a good idea.  Carrying a carving.  Yeah, that would be quite clever.  I think I'll do that.
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Utah, USA
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Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #12 - Jun 1st, 2005 at 1:04pm
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slings the handheld arlilery

Posts: 391
Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #13 - Jun 1st, 2005 at 4:57pm
tiny gun looks more usful for stray dogs what call is that iv always whnted to make a 50 cal pistil but it would never work / that carving idea really works you can somtimes show the carving then the knife without getting in trouble any way if i was to hurt somone id use my digging stick only in self defence though i got fire by friction on sunday finally (bow drill) it seems so easy now , i left my bowdrill in the rain then used it and it still worked iv kept my first set as 'good medicine' and since made a birch set and a elder set and they work my first set was sycamore next the hand drill
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listen to old people
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Ex Member

Re: Get 'em while you can.
Reply #14 - Jun 11th, 2005 at 12:46pm
The USA is next as far a "bubble pansying" the people.
I dont know how bad it is in Britain, but if it is gets that politically stupid anywhere where I live, meaning banning knives, bows, guns, tools, then Im moving to rural brazil
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