Interfector Viris Spurii

Give me a rock, a sling, and give me some room
Posts: 1020
virginia, for now
*two men sitting around a roaring fire in overstuffed chairs with snifters of brandy in their hands. A momentous occasion in the history of sport is about to begin* Man 1: Well then, Nigel, what shall it be today? Grouse hunting? Polo? A rousing day of berating the peasantry, wot? Nigel: Oh, I don't know, Sir Reginald. We did polo yesterday and grouse hunting is so...pedestrian. *checks expensive pocket watch* Criminy, it's 8 in the morning.I'm feeling a bit sloshed. Cor! I got it! What if we get duded up in some truly foppish outfits, get on our horses, take the dogs for a run and chase, oh, I don't know, foxes or something around the estates? Sir Reginald: Brilliant idea, old bean! I say, you've really got a great mind to you! Tallyho then, man! Cheerio! *both raise glasses in a toast and saunter out of the room in a most self-satisfied manner* Deny this if you all want to. But I've got it on good authority that this is precisely how the aforementioned momentous occasion in the history of sport transpired.