Ex Member
Clearly you need to learn some primitive skills. If a hunter doesn't know any plants that can help him, then he is not worthy of hunting. If an hunter can't find dry wood, or is not prepared, then he is not any kind of woodsman I know.
The stabbing scenario..... Well, obviously you wouldn't know about modern medicine, but of course you would want a way out of the situation if you had been stabbed. I know of no spear that can make a hole that big, but assuming it can, you can find some plantains leaves to soothe the pain, and maggots to eat the dead flesh. You can use a flint or obsidian knife to amputate your leg, or you could clean it out and hope for the best. In winter there is actually plenty of game. Many animals are, of course, hibernating. But many kinds of edible prey are around, although actually going out and hunting them if often not viable in winter. That is why you use knowledge of traps to help you, simple deadfalls, snares, and so on. That's the winter way. It would also be rare to hunt alone, and if you did, you would be totally prepared and know what to do in most situations. Also, true hunter gatherer groups rarely fought each other. Farming brought about warfare (eg, in the Great Basin in America, and most of Australia, warfare was incredibly rare if it happened at all. In the northeast USA, where there was much agriculture, there was also a great deal of warfare.) The point is, if you can't hack it, then you die. That is natural selection. People can't understand it nowadays, they would be far too scared. But it's the natural way. Any other is just wrong.