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compact flint and steel (Read 6527 times)

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Granada (Spain)
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compact flint and steel
Feb 22nd, 2005 at 6:02pm
This is a compact flint and steel set we call "chisquero" our  forefathers used, it's totally wind proof (in fact, the more the wind, the better it works Grin ) still sold in some tobaco shops though i think it will dissapear soon cause people don't use it any more, butane lighters are more practical and don't smell/smoke that bad.
At the upper side you can see a wide tube that holds a cotton fuse (fuse is yellow) it has a spheric metal plug that keeps the integrity of the charred end of the fuse and also  works as fuse extinguisher..
Below at it's side is a steel wheel  and inside of the thin tube is a spring that pushes a little flint against the steel wheel,  wich make the sparks when the wheel is twisted by hand, the bolt at the opposite side is where flints are recharged when worn out, also the bolt  regulates spring presure.
How does it works...
Pull out the fuse pulling the spheric plug (as you can see spheric plug is hooked on the fuse) and put the charred end of the fuse in front of the sparks exit.
Then strike the steel wheel so a shower of sparks land on the charred end of the fuse... now you've got a glowing ember suitable for light up a cigarette or start a fire placing it on a tinder nest.
To extingue the fuse just pull it down so the spheric plug shut's the tube and ember goes off due to lack of oxygen.

The older version just has the fuse tube and spheric plug. Sparks where made over the charred end of the fuse with a  steel (like a chain link) and a flint stone.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #1 - Feb 22nd, 2005 at 9:42pm
very nifty I wonder if they sell it any where in the states
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #2 - Feb 24th, 2005 at 6:57pm
wish i had one of those, very handy
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #3 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 11:37am
I think I read about these somewhere.  It might have been in the emails section on www.primitiveways.com, but I'm not sure.  Looks very nifty.  Simple idea, made easy.
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #4 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 12:29pm
i've only seen those "chisqueros" here in Spain, though may be there are some similar  devices in other countries. The sparkling device is very durable... flints last for long, and  a lot of spare flints can be stored in a little space...  The cotton fuse is also very slow burning, abut 1 cm/min if there's no wind blowing, and you can carry a couple of metres knotted like old folks do in the pic below.


i've tried to use alternatives to the cotton fuse but they don't burn or ignite as well as the original does... i think charred cloth would be a nice substitute, but it's not as practic as the original cotton fuse, cause charred cloth is fragile and black staining, whilst the cotton fuse can be carried just in the pocket for instant use,
I think it's possible to recicle the steel wheel and flint system of a disposable lighter (mount it on a wooden handle for easy handling) and use charred cloth to get embers. This would be a homemade compact flint and steel system.
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Yeah, i guess most of
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #5 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 12:49pm
sorry for the missing pic... got some problems today with photobucket.
pic was the fuse knotted like hang men knot
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #6 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 3:30pm
I believe the device I read about was much the same, and was called something like "machero" or something similar.  I believe it was supposedly used by the Spanish and then Mexican colonial armies.
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #7 - Feb 25th, 2005 at 8:09pm
ive seen something like that mexican thing you described english. i almost bought one when i was in Arizona

im glad i dont smoke
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Yeah, i guess most of
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Granada (Spain)
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #8 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 1:58am
I believe the device I read about was much the same, and was called something like "machero" or something similar.  I believe it was supposedly used by the Spanish and then Mexican colonial armies.

Right english, in spanish "mechero" means  "lighter with a fuse" they call it also "chisquero" or "Yesquero" wich means "lighter with tinder" later when fuel lighters arived (like zipo lighters) the name "mechero" was still used, cause those lighters still had a fuse. Nowadays some old people still calling mechero to any kind of lighter even if it has no fuse, like the buthane lighters, and "encendedor" wich means properly a lighter, is now the common word  people use
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Never disturb your enemy when it's making a mistake (Napoleon Bonaparte)
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #9 - Feb 26th, 2005 at 5:13am
I see.  Well, it looks lovely.  It also looks highly effective for starting fires.
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #10 - Aug 1st, 2008 at 5:03pm
I was just trying out the new search engine, http://www.cuil.com/ and in trying the word "chisquero" happend upon this thread.  Smiley I thought a picture I had posted somewhere else might be of interest.


I wish I had seen this thread previously, before I in trying to determine the appropriated names. My reasoning then was:
Despite trying to look under various names it might be in Spanish, such as, chisquero or yesquero, and determining that in Basque it might be referred to as something like, artzainko pizgailu, I was never able to locate one on the internet.

I also had typed the following:
I always wanted a Basque shepherd’s lighter, like my father-in-law had shown me. While reading I did find a reference to a shepherd's lighter. It is, from page 33 of Ash Child by Peter Bowen ©2002, starring the Métis detective Gabriel Du Pré. The author lives in Montana.
"...and lit it with the shepherd's lighter his daughter Maria had brought him from Spain. Just a flint and a steel wheel and a length of cotton rope. It worked well and he didn't have to buy lighter fluid."

As far as the comment  by English that he recalls seeing something on this subject before perhaps he was thinking of the topic "Lighter" posted by faca in the Outdoor Survival Forum at Knifeforums.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #11 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 7:39am
hmm, well it should be easy to bodge something like that up.
The flint and wheel part can be taken from any conventional flint based disposable lighter. the thick cotton cord is probably the only sticking point - but should be able to get it from somewhere.
You could use a piece of copper plumbing tube for the holder.
Throw in some duck tape and you could probably knock one up in a few minutes Smiley

I like it Smiley
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: compact flint and steel
Reply #12 - Aug 4th, 2008 at 4:54pm
If you can get all the rest, I think I still have some braided cotton cord in a fairly think size.

Twisted cotton for sure.

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