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Constantine's shot gun (Read 10783 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii
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Constantine's shot gun
Feb 17th, 2005 at 2:49am
I saw the movie Constantine and it is awesome! 8)

I'll start reading its' comic. 

In the movie the character John Constantine had a kind of kickass-shotgun.  It has a kind of revolver-like ammo loading system.  Is there anything like that in real life?

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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #1 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 3:13am
was it something like this??

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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #2 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 3:37am
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #3 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 8:28am
Yeah, similar.

thanks, Rockchucker!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #4 - Feb 17th, 2005 at 7:10pm
How many bullets dose it hold?
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #5 - Feb 18th, 2005 at 12:10am
the streetsweeper  i am not sure
the sidewinder is 10 
   but you know how hollywood is when it comes to  magazine capacity  lol
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #6 - Feb 20th, 2005 at 2:42pm
Although Im sure there are those who would disagree, the street sweeper is a uber-cool looking weapon but I just cannt see the point to it.
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #7 - Feb 20th, 2005 at 8:10pm
I don't know much about guns, Allen.  Can you expand a litte more on your comment?
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #8 - Feb 20th, 2005 at 8:24pm
As I understand it a street sweeper is basically a automatic shot gun, it serves no purpose but to kill people. As a combat weapon its really not practical in anything but very limited actions and as our police are supose to only use deadly force as a last resort its pretty much useless for them. for home defence simple pump action shot gun can fire as fast as you can pump which is pretty damn fast. Its in no way practical as a hunting weapon. So whats the point. Another cool looking weapon for the neighborhood thugs.  
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #9 - Feb 20th, 2005 at 10:50pm
Thanks Allen,

Lately I have been facinated by the shotgun.  I don't know why, I usually don't like firearms.  I have no chance of shooting with one anyway in Hong Kong.  But I am drawn to the shotgun somehow.  Especially the double barrel ones.  They look so classy.
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #10 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 3:10am
Anyone else ever actually seen one of those streetsweepers? The one i handled had a wind-up key do-hickey on the front of the drum. It needed to be wound for the huge drum to rotate after each shot. It's is not like a revolver with a small cylinder that is rotated by the action of the hammer and trigger. Silly, who else but south-africans would invent such a goofy thing.
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #11 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 3:16am
I think  there are a few  facts that need to be  straighten out

" As I understand it a street sweeper is basically a automatic shot gun, it serves no purpose but to kill people."

the  street sweeper is NOT an automatic wich leads most to think full auto  its SEMI auto   you have to pull the trigger  for each round to be fired firearms can be used for other reasons then just to kill   most think that  is its "black"  holds more then 10 rounds andis semi auto then its only purpose is to kill

I have a rifle thats bolt action holds only 5 rounds (Turkish mauser from 1942) its sole purpose for being built  was to kill
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #12 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 8:20am
I think  there are a few  facts that need to be  straighten out

  most think that  is its "black"  holds more then 10 rounds andis semi auto then its only purpose is to kill

I have a rifle thats bolt action holds only 5 rounds (Turkish mauser from 1942) its sole purpose for being built  was to kill  

semi-auto sorry.

Please enlight me what other purpose dose it serve?

Yes your mauser was made to kill , it also could be used as a traget shooter, it could be used for hunting(not well but possible) It also could be used to wound.(not likely I admit for a weapon that was desinged for war.

Yep its because its black...Come on get real. Look at the name of the thing "street sweeper" its design is to clear a street of people as fast as possible. How do you think its going to acheive that?

And guess what I'm not anti-gun, Ive been shooting since I was 6. I am against weapons like this and others in the hads of people who have no reason to own them. Oh and to add a little fuel to the fire I believe ALL firearms should be regestered, and a back ground check done for anyone owning them.

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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #13 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 2:22pm
I never sais you was anti gun
the "black rifle" comment is  something  that  lots of  people think
the street sweeper  is classified  as a destructive device  wich means  background check finger prints taken and a $200 tax stamp  if i remember correctly

it could be used  for riot control  useing bean bag  or rubber bullets 10 rounds  compared to 5-7 rounds  would be an advantage in a riot  situation

  everyone purchaseing a firearm  has to  have a NICS check ran   in other words a backround check ran

the county i am in requires a 7 day waiting period for handguns
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: Constantine's shot gun
Reply #14 - Feb 21st, 2005 at 8:53pm
Bean bags and rubber bullets, that sounds cool.  In the movie Kill Bill 2.  Uma Thurman's character was shot by a shotgun and was not wounded only knocked down.  The guy who shot her said something like he had used salt for ammo.

are there a lot of non-lethal ammos?  are they mostly for shotgun?
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