well you have a dart right. its about 9 inches long, has a sharp point at the end, and is weighted. the fletching is close to the head of the dart. and has a little bit of a handel at the end just like the ammo in the picture.
you throw a lawn dart underhand and it wall always fall point down. the fletching on the dart moves so that once thrown the fletching moves all the way to the back of the dart and is more arrow like.
you play lawn darts by drawing 2 circels on your lawn. 9 feet away from each other. you have 2 teams one at each circle. one guy stands there at the circle throws the dart and trys to get it inside the circle. The closer to the middle the more points you get.
Touching the circle on the outside gets you zip, in side the circle close to the wall, gets you 1 and in the center you get 3.
playing lawn darts requires mass quantites of beer and gets progressively harder as you go (thats from the beer by the way). Its played mosly by your hicks and hill billys.

that means yours truly is pretty good at the game.
my pap is the best player ive ever seen. He could hit that circle evey time.