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Dart sling (Read 5899 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

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Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
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Dart sling
Nov 2nd, 2004 at 6:37pm
hello every body! I usaly hang around the other primitive weapons board becase im no good with a sling. I love the staff sling, but i just cant grasp the sling.  Sad

any way there was an aritcal a few (months?) back about a sling that shot big heavy darts or arrows or something. The name started with a c...cest..something.

I want too make one and due to limited computer time (and lazyness Smiley) I dont want to find and read that last artical on it.

any one want to give me a recap on how to make the dart and how to use it? From the last time i read that artical i grasped the basick concept of making the sling part. But how would you make the dart?

if you dont want to recap for me i understand Sad but still it would be nice of you. Cheesy haha
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #1 - Nov 2nd, 2004 at 6:58pm
Cestrosphendone, it was called. And for the life of me, I have no clue how to make one or fire one properly. I just get the dart all tangled up to hell and back and it doesn't really go anywhere. This is user error, but can someone here tell me how to make one and fire it properly? I'd love to be able to combine atlatls and slings, if I could just get the mechanics of it down...
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #2 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 8:49am

If you want a very simple and effective arrow (dart) sling. You may check this:


It isn't a historical cestrosphendon, but work perfectly with different kinds of darts. Gives a quite clear release of them. As the dart you even could use a simple stick with the weighted ending.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #3 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 6:48pm
Thanks i appreciate your help.
and dont worry about your english Yurek i butcher it my self. and im native. hahaha
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

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Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #4 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 7:07pm
now its slung over the head right?

I think im going to make the one that is just string with 2 loops in the middle. how big should it be?  let me find the link real quick.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #5 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 7:13pm

that one. in the picture. Its just a normal looking sling with 2 loops. How big is it supposed to be? from loop too loop?

thanks douglas
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Slinging  Viking

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Re: Dart sling
Reply #6 - Nov 3rd, 2004 at 11:38pm
Well me an Lobohunter both made the darts from old hunting arrows cut down. They can't get any easlier.
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"A Knifeless man is a lifeless man" Old Nordic Proverb
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #7 - Nov 4th, 2004 at 10:42am
and dont worry about your english Yurek i butcher it my self. and im native. hahaha
English native?  Nah, the reason you butcher the language is because you speak a randomly pidginised form, known commonly as American English.

Grin  I'm kidding.  I don't mind neologisms, wherever they come from.

  I think you should try arrow throwing.  Actually, what am I saying.  I should try arrow throwing too.
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #8 - Nov 4th, 2004 at 4:13pm

that one. in the picture. Its just a normal looking sling with 2 loops. How big is it supposed to be? from loop too loop?

thanks douglas


It depends on what lenght of sling you feel the most comfortable. I think that distance shouldn't be too big, because if the sling is long you would be forced to do the multiple windups, what would make the cords twisted. It also depend on a weight of the arrow. I suppose something about the 30" would be ok. Hope it helps.

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In the shape, structure and position of each stone, there is recorded a small piece of history. So, slinging them, we add a bit of our history to them.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #9 - Nov 6th, 2004 at 8:05am
it does and thanks.

ok ill cut down an arrow. The picture of the darts looks, a little thicker then normal arrows. Hey...what about lawn darts? shure there no where near period but i think they would work. there heavey, and have that sharp point on them.

I guess that all countrys make fun of all other countrys. over here in the us, its the hight of comady, to make fun of the english.  Grin

But i think its that same over there too isent it?
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #10 - Nov 6th, 2004 at 8:09am
How can Americans make fun of the English when they can't even do a good English accent?  And we can make fun of you better.  After all, look who your head honcho is......
  What the heck are lawn darts?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #11 - Nov 6th, 2004 at 8:21am

well you have a dart right. its about 9 inches long, has a sharp point at the end, and is weighted. the fletching is close to the head of the dart. and has a little bit of a handel at the end just like the ammo in the picture.

you throw a lawn dart underhand and it wall always fall point down. the fletching on the dart moves so that once thrown the fletching moves all the way to the back of the dart and is more arrow like.

you play lawn darts by drawing 2 circels on your lawn. 9 feet away from each other. you have 2 teams one at each circle. one guy stands there at the circle throws the dart and trys to get it inside the circle. The closer to the middle the more points you get.

Touching the circle on the outside gets you zip, in side the circle close to the wall, gets you 1 and in the center you get 3.

playing lawn darts requires mass quantites of beer and gets progressively harder as you go (thats from the beer by the way). Its played mosly by your hicks and hill billys.  Grin that means yours truly is pretty good at the game.

my pap is the best player ive ever seen. He could hit that circle evey time.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #12 - Nov 6th, 2004 at 8:25am
and englsh, you should watch a show called family guy, or the simpsons. They make fun of the english alot.
and theres people who can mimic your accent extremly well. of corse they stand in awh of the english Smiley so i guess i cant say much about them.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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Re: Dart sling
Reply #13 - Nov 6th, 2004 at 10:29am
I watch the Simpsons all the time.  Family Guy is quite rubbish though.  I liked the episode of the Simpsons when Lisa gets married, and they go to England, and all that.  And I like the Book Of English smiles, with Prince Charles and others.  But that is about all I can think of, when the Simpsons make fun of the English.  Apart from the episode when they visit England, and see Tony Blair at Heathrow.  But that hasn't been on regular tv here yet.
  Lawn darts sounds like fun.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Hakkaa päälle!

Posts: 3491
Salineville Ohio
Gender: male
Re: Dart sling
Reply #14 - Nov 7th, 2004 at 6:00pm
it is play it all the time.  its harder then what it sounds.
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i live in a maze of typo's&&&& popularity is for dolls a hero cannot be popular-Ralph Waldo Emerson&&&&DTB-master of the corny vest, and crappy carpet!
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