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My Sling (Read 22195 times)
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

Posts: 356
Chandler, Arizona, USA
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Re: My Sling
Reply #30 - Sep 30th, 2004 at 9:52pm
Can't eat, can't sleep, might miss the video.  Can't eat, can't sleep, might miss the video.  Can't eat, can't sleep, might miss...

Okay, so I took a six-footer out to a lake and tossed some rocks -- got them the same distance as with my 2-footer, with much less effort, but couldn't get them any farther.  I couldn't seem to get 'traction' on the longer sling, and had trouble getting them to angle upwards rather than straight out.  Obviously, more practice is needed, but anybody got some tips aside from that?  

My archer friend is growing more and more smug by the hour.  Gotta beat his range!  Please help!

OK..start spinning the sling overhead.  Then when you feel the rythm, try spinning around a couple of time while spinning the sling.  The idea is to have the body and arm in sync at the snap.

Just throw level untill you get the timing.  Then you can force it up by tilting the plane of rotation after you master level first.

In terms of baseball .. start with sidearm, then advance to submarine delivery.
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Re: My Sling
Reply #31 - Sep 30th, 2004 at 9:59pm
Thanks for the advice, my man.  I'll try them for sure.

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Milwaukee Wisconsin
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Re: My Sling
Reply #32 - Oct 1st, 2004 at 8:15am
The great key secret of relating sling length to delivery style is in the diagram in Yurek's Sept 11, 2004 post at "Article: Physics of Sling / Advice for beginners".

As sling length 'L' gets longer, effective arm radius 'R' MUST also get longer to keep optimum angles (shown here as 120deg & 60deg) from increasing, and taking power off the shot.   This is felt as a "loss of traction".  We dont yet know what the true optimum angles are.

Effective arm radius can be increased by putting "whole body action" into the delivery.   This also adds muscles that are contributing to shot power.

If you could make an L  MUCH too long, and keep your R MUCH too short, there would be no shot at all.  The sling would just wrap itself around your arm as you tried to spin it.


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Reno, NV, USA
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Re: My Sling
Reply #33 - Oct 1st, 2004 at 10:21am
I'll have to wait till I go out to the lake again.  Otherwise I'll probably kill somebody. Wink
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Interfector Viris Spurii

where be a rock and a
string there be a sling

Posts: 1976
Cottage Grove or
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Re: My Sling
Reply #34 - Oct 1st, 2004 at 3:51pm
wow! I did it got my six foot sling working:
I need some work on aiming and footwork got angled up a couple of times almost doulbed my distance though
from a average of about 175 yards to almost three hundred yards
O.K knoll slinger adives from all aspects needed
what the max length here. earlier you siad some thing
about a sling as tall as you are. is that a good rule.
So would a good length for me be about 79inches
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

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Chandler, Arizona, USA
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Re: My Sling
Reply #35 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 12:20pm
wow! I did it got my six foot sling working:
I need some work on aiming and footwork got angled up a couple of times almost doulbed my distance though
from a average of about 175 yards to almost three hundred yards
O.K knoll slinger adives from all aspects needed
what the max length here. earlier you siad some thing
about a sling as tall as you are. is that a good rule.
So would a good length for me be about 79inches

YES!!!!  Now, since you have awakened your body to the art of throwing, here is another secret.  The exact length for your sling is this:  from the ground to your eye = x inches.
Your arm length is y inches, as in your shirt size being 35, or 33 or what ever.

Sling is:  x + y - 35"

This is ideal length.

6' could be too big for most people.  With practice, you will rival the pistol in momentum and foot pounds.

Now, practice practice practice.. you will be more acurate with a longer sling!!!!  AND more powerfull.
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

Posts: 356
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #36 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 12:29pm
Please modify the graphic at the top of the page to reflect the correct sling length.

Thank you.
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

Posts: 356
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #37 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 12:37pm

three hundred yards

  Yes.. you should be able to sling 1.5 times your golf shot at drive.  You will need a bigger playground.
Also, you will not be able to see your rock land when you get good.  just see the dust, if any.
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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Interfector Viris Spurii
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Hong Kong
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Re: My Sling
Reply #38 - Oct 2nd, 2004 at 10:36pm
I'm getting a lot more fire power from the long sling too!
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: My Sling
Reply #39 - Oct 3rd, 2004 at 1:20am
Gotta love that math of yours Knollslinger....   Wink    I have to admit I haven't seen a formula quite like that before.....or since, for that matter!   

Keep 'em whizzin.....
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Interfector Viris Spurii

where be a rock and a
string there be a sling

Posts: 1976
Cottage Grove or
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #40 - Oct 5th, 2004 at 2:36am
O. k knoll slinger by your formula (71+37)-35 I get 73 inches so I think I will stay with the 72 inch sling I now have. It is working well. My aim is still terrible but some practice may fix that. If we call where I aim 12 o'clock
then my shots are falling at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock most of the time. but somme day I will get used to the spin
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

Posts: 356
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #41 - Oct 12th, 2004 at 8:18pm
O. k knoll slinger by your formula (71+37)-35 I get 73 inches so I think I will stay with the 72 inch sling I now have. It is working well. My aim is still terrible but some practice may fix that. If we call where I aim 12 o'clock
then my shots are falling at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock most of the time. but somme day I will get used to the spin

Yes.. then you will BE the spin...
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger

Posts: 356
Chandler, Arizona, USA
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #42 - Oct 15th, 2004 at 11:58am
my shots are falling at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock most of the time.

try slowing down your body spin, but exagerating the arm motion.. really stretch back prior to the snap..
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The Davidson Road KnollSlinger&&Who can beat me?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

where be a rock and a
string there be a sling

Posts: 1976
Cottage Grove or
Gender: male
Re: My Sling
Reply #43 - Oct 15th, 2004 at 2:52pm
Awe I am Now starting to get it. by concertrating on where my spin ends and making sure my feet are in the right postion. Also at the end; I am now basicly transforming back into my normal style of slinging.Really taking all of that momtum and letting it fly. When I do this all correct I actulay come some where near where i am aiming This is a amazing powerful style knoll slinger.
Though a lot more coplicated than just slinging with a short sling
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

Posts: 21
Re: My Sling
Reply #44 - Jan 7th, 2005 at 7:07pm
video! video! video!  Cheesy  Cheesy

cool rabbitstory btw
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