Now that I have the black twine, I found it impossible to force myself to go to bed tonight.
Instead, I stayed up and finished the finger loop, retention cord, pouch, and one inch of the release cord.
Some time on Sunday, I'll finish the sling.
The #18 crochet thread is thinner than the yellow mason's twine from before. I used the same stitch pattern, so the gauge is smaller, and thus the cords are thinner and the pouch is smaller.
That's good, though, since the sling will mostly be used for golf balls, and the pouch on the yellow sling is almost
too big. The ball almost gets lost in it. I still have yet to get out and sling with the yellow sling, so I don't know if the release will be clean or not.
I'm very confident about the size compatibility of the Black Mamba's pouch.
(Yes, that's what I'm naming this sling -- the "Black Mamba.")