Tankyou for welcoming me David,
I first got interested in slings when I was reading a book and found that such small thing could be so powerful. My first sling was alright but i needed improvement. To the internet!
After searching for about an hour i discovered this site. ITS GREAT
Everything i wanted to know is here. I've looked at all the movies, all the articles, and its all that i need to become a professional slinger!
Today i started my first braided sling and it came out great, yet i still need to work on the length of the two cords going to the pouch. My first try was with a golf ball and at a fence.... It snapped the board in half... hehe had to repair that. Being in a city I am limited to practice. My amunition is golf balls but i will find rocks for better amunition.
Thankyou and i will keep you updated on my progress