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Hummer (Read 4294 times)

May 4th, 2004 at 9:15pm
can anyone tell me why gravel sometimes hums when you sling it?  has anyone else experienced this problem?
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Re: Hummer
Reply #1 - May 4th, 2004 at 9:17pm
i don't guess it's really a problem as much as a phenomenon... Grin
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Re: Hummer
Reply #2 - May 4th, 2004 at 10:33pm
Its the air passing by it when its spinning fast, or just going fast really. Like when you swing a stick through the air.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Hummer
Reply #3 - May 4th, 2004 at 10:56pm
Welcome g-cart and dood44,

As you might know, sound is caused by vibrations of air, like ripples in water (sound waves).  When you sling an oddly shaped rock, it will likely tumble because it is not aerodynamically stable.  As it begins to tumble, the odd shape basically "slaps" the air as it rotates, causing a vibration.  Because it tumbles over and over again, it makes a proper wave form, causing a humm.  You might notice that smaller, less dramatically shaped rocks produce higher pitched sounds.  This is because they rotate faster, and make higher frequency waves.  Larger or really weirdly shaped rocks tumble slower, making a lower pitch sound.  

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Re: Hummer
Reply #4 - May 5th, 2004 at 8:00pm
Ha yes, thats what I said. And thanks for the welcome Im just starting at slinging. Im about to make a braided one since my ghetto sling made out of string and duct tape just isnt cutting it, although it works.
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