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glandes (Read 4099 times)
Junior Member

(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

Posts: 76
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Apr 11th, 2004 at 9:59pm
im not sure if there called galndes but i put some grout mux stuff in some plastic eggs and set them out to dry.  Ill update later on the results
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: glandes
Reply #1 - Apr 11th, 2004 at 11:34pm
Gland is the Roman term for their elliptical sling (egg-like) projectiles.

Keep us posted,
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

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Re: glandes
Reply #2 - Apr 12th, 2004 at 3:42pm
I took one out this morning and it was kind of soft.  I think they need either more time to dry or it will have to be a one time use type if thing.  Im making a new sling soon my old one broke.  When i finish and test them ill post.
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

Posts: 76
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Re: glandes
Reply #3 - Apr 12th, 2004 at 4:23pm
Well im impatient so i didnt wait to make my sling to test them.  I threw them against the side of my house with moderate force and they exploded leaving a kind of glod where it hit.  I guess they would be good for seeing how accurate you are  Grin
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slingers know how to get
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Re: glandes
Reply #4 - Apr 12th, 2004 at 4:39pm
You might want to try picking up a block of clay for making glandes. Not long ago I got a 25lb block for about $8 at a local place that caters to potters and wanna be artists. Needless to say the lady was a bit befuddled with the answer I gave for the use of the clay. Even the "David and Golith" explaniton got me the same look as when I walk into Radio Shack looking for parts out of desperation....
Anywho, I've molded about a dozen or so glandes by hand and still have most of the block left. Prehaps not the cheapest way to go but they do come out nice and are quicker than other methods. Some paint helps as these puppies are hard to spot at times. A coat of "safty orange" works well as any other color that doesn't blend in to the colors of your sling range... Then again if you start fooling around with natural clay and natural fibers you can get away with a free hobby.
Not that I like primitave skills or anything  8)
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(@")=====@(kirb y boxing)

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Re: glandes
Reply #5 - Apr 12th, 2004 at 6:13pm
Did You Bake them in a Kiln?  I was thinking about buying a block and making a bunch but i didnt know if my friends mom would let me use her kiln.
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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!

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Re: glandes
Reply #6 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 7:33am
On terminology:

Glans is a Latin word for a sling bullet.

Glandes is the plural.

Roman (and Greek) sling bullets were generally approximatly spherical (but not egg shaped) or shaped like an almond nut.

See: http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?glans and http://lysy2.archives.nd.edu/cgi-bin/words.exe?glandes
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slingers know how to get
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Midwest U.S.A.
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Re: glandes
Reply #7 - Apr 13th, 2004 at 9:42am
So far I haven't bothered to fire them. The only kiln I've got access to is a primitave one I built years ago, that and I figgured I'd lose them quicker than I could make them. The clay holds up well even not being fired at least when slung at 3/4" plywood and hitting a few trees that had been down range. So far no wounded glandes, just 3 that are M.I.A. and they probably will only be found by a lawnmower(one of the pros. for bright paint).
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Posts: 509
Milwaukee Wisconsin
Gender: male
Re: glandes
Reply #8 - Apr 27th, 2004 at 7:21pm
I went out this eve and launched a couple of my home-brew 80gram plaster of paris "eggs".   They're tougher upon impact than you might think.   

They fly so much farther than the "average" rock, it's now tough to think of slinging anything BUT custom ammo.   A good launch literally puts the egg quickly out of sight.   I'm now down 2 eggs.  Amazing to this ol' rock-chucker!  mgreenfield
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