Ok, now I have to figure out all the totals and all that stuff. It looks like they sent me 1 extra sling, but I could've miss counted, so I'm not saying anything forsure. Here's the count as I last left it, right before I ordered.
Ed is in for 2. (I have your email)
And Dave P. is in for 3. (I have your email)
Hobb is in for 3. (I have your email)
Barak is in for 9 (I have your email)
Ulrica Is in for 2 (I have your email)
Chris is in for 5 (I have your email)
Brent is in for 3 (I have your email)
Yurek is in for 2 (I have your email)
Jeff is in for 5 (I have your email)
Tim is in for 4 (I have your email)
Aaron is in for 1 (I have your email)
Johnny is in for 1 (I have your email)
I need these below individual's email addresses
Travis is in for 3
Oscar is in for 2 (Your email has changed since you wrote me last)
You guys can email me at
Whipartist@aol.com Ok, I'm going to send individual emails and private messages to all members involved with the slings. Here's the basic info, which I'll repeat in those emails.
The price is $5.75 US currency per sling, and the shipping is $3.85 in the USA. I will ship international, but it will be slightly more. Count on $5 shipping if you're international.
Orders over 6 slings will be $5 shipping in the USA.