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David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday (Read 20014 times)
Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #30 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 7:22pm
Hobb......I guess Nano-refined spider silk from genetically modified goat's milk may be a bit much?!

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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #31 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 1:22pm
My dad's family is from Yorkshire and Lancashire, about as English as they come.  My grandad on my mum's side is English.  Only my granma on my mum's side is Irish, but both my parents are roman Catholic.  I have been confirmed, but I just saw that it is, in fact, not true.  Anyways, I also don't believe there is a lot to eastern "religions" (I don't think taoism is a religion, as such, Lao Tzu wrote the Dao De Jing just before leaving for the wilderness, just to tell people how a man should live, ie, in accordance with nature, and did not intend to set up a religion), but they do contain lots of wise statements.  My particular favourite of the moment is "it is the intangible that makes the tangible worthwhile", not funny like yours, but truthful.  It is the knowledge of how to use a sling that makes having a sling worthwhile for instance (a bit simplistic, but it does work).
   Anyways, I have turned to philosophy, rather than religion, to find out the things most people need faith for.  Anyways, enough about this.  I was thinking about the program, and the slinger on it was shown doing an underarm slinging style, with multiple turns.  Would David have used such a technique?  I find it quite innacurate, (although that is probably just me), and I get a lot of power from a single overarm throw.  Just wondering.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #32 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 3:43pm
I have a Yorkshire connection, mainly through my wife's family. Her maiden name was "EIdson" and we have traced it to the Viking settlers in Yorkshire. That name is also found in Norway. From what I understand, the people of Yorkshire can link their DNA to Norway and Sweden! I think I read about this on the BBC or something awhile back. I'm French Huguenot and English, with Scotch-Irish and Welsh thrown in. I also had a full blooded Pawnee indian ancestor. Well, enough about me.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #33 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 7:27pm
Anglo mutt here too.....German, Welsh, British....My great grandmother on my mother's side was full blooded Cherokee.  My Great grandmother on my father's side was full blooded Sioux. I have traced my lineage as far as I can out of curiosity.  I know our family started a pub in england that is known as Robinson's Pub.  And a great little enterprise it is!  It is rumored that we go back to the tribes of Judah (centered in modern day Britain) Benjamin and Dan (Which became Dan's Mark or modern day Denmark).   Many people don't know that the word 'British' itself is taken from two hebrew words:  'Brit' meaning covenant, 'ish' meaning man, = "Covenant Man".  Most people do not know what the word 'Caucasian' even means!   It refers to those who come from the 'Caucusus'  mountains  in lower Russia.  Interesting that the Caucusus mountains were the last known place of captivity for 10 tribes of Israel.  They then went on to scatter to the four winds and settle all over the world and number as the sands of the sea as promised our Forefather,  Abraham.   It is interesting that with some digging,  one can identify the major players on the world stage with their biblical forbearers.   It is accepted by many who have studied cultural migrations in human history that those who make up most of modern day Russia...(or the 'Reds' as they were 'affectionately' known by the west up through the cold war years) are the descendants of Edom (whose name means simply RED).  Edom, of course, was once named  'Esau',  who traded his inheritance for a bowl of red pottage.   Here is an interesting source for anyone interested in this topic:


I will stop here as there is voluminous information to be covered in this topic.....and for a different forum.
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« Last Edit: Mar 10th, 2004 at 3:29am by Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua »  

Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #34 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 8:01pm
Since were talking about anglo backgrounds, I thought I'd mention I was actually born in England (London to be exact).  I moved to the US when I was young.

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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #35 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 10:36pm
Shoulda known we have a blueblood as our gracious host.   Crikey!  lol  Wink Wink Wink
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #36 - Mar 9th, 2004 at 11:59pm
The Edomites were destroyed by the Romans  after the destruction of Jerusalem. The Russians, as well as the Europeans, are descended from Japheth, not Shem. The book of Obadiah speaks of their destuction(the Edomites). 2 Kings 17 says that the northern tribes stayed in Assyria and ventured no further. I've heard of "British Israel"(isn't this Armstrong's doctrine?) but I don't think it is correct. I have a friend that lives in Athens, Tennessee. I don't think Greeks sailed over in the 5th century BC and colonized it! Nor do I think Denmark was colonized by the tribe of Dan. Anyway, that's my view! Always enjoy a good discussion(even if we disagree!!)!!!   Johnny
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #37 - Mar 10th, 2004 at 12:49am
Your point is valid considering my very short synopsis of the topic.   A cursory google search may prove enlightening..... or not,  depending upon what you are truly looking for regarding the subject.   Wink
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #38 - Mar 10th, 2004 at 12:59am
I'll look into the website(s) and try to get a more broad view on this topic. I'll check them out. Thanks
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #39 - Mar 10th, 2004 at 3:28pm
Well I am fairly certain that I am mostly AngloSaxon blood, with the late addition of Irish and probably much earlier, Viking.  I have a weird mix of colours in my hair, mostly blonde, but also red, and light brown.  My facial hair is mostly blonde, but everyone says there is red in there, which is a bit annoying. 
I am fairly certain that Denmark was colonized by the Jutes, hence, Jutland, the mainland part of Denmark.  British, I read somewhere, is derived from a Greek word, not sure of the meaning, but it is certainly of Greek provenance, passed through Latin.  The Latin word for Britain was, of course, Britannia, hence, Mare Britannicus, the English Channel. 
And Caucasian means someone who is not negroid, mongoloid, etc.  The Indo-European tribes, who make up the vast majority of people in Europe and Western Asia, come from the Caucasus mountains, and they spread across the land innumerable years ago, certainly before any Israelites would have come along, or anyone else from that region.  Most European and Indian languages are, naturally, Indo-European, apart from, in Europe, Finnish, Hungarian, and Maltese, which are, respectively, Ural-Altaic (both Finnish and Hungarian) and Semitic, and in India, the Dravidian language family, whose members include the language of Kannada.  The Indo-europeans were what we would deem mostly caucasian today, and so that is why most white or west Asian peoples are called Caucasians. 
.....German, Welsh, British....
  when you say Welsh and British, do you mean Welsh and English?  Most Americans class English people (erroneously) as just simply British, when in fact the term can include anyone who is a citizen of part of the UK.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #40 - Mar 10th, 2004 at 4:28pm
Well now, there is certainly no shortage of your elder countrymen that would argue your borrowed semantics.  Or your use of the term: 'erroneously' for that matter.  It depends on your 'Angle' of thinking.  One man's history is another man's revisionism.  You may quite appropriately designate me 'Old School' regarding this subject.   But of course, this is a topic which can be debated ad nauseum in more appropriate venues.......I will say this -  there certainly are those who, for which, knowledge of their true origins should remain a mystery.
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #41 - Mar 10th, 2004 at 4:36pm
I saw a book last night by Osprey Publications titled,"Troy". It had a photo of a pile of slingstones used during the "Trojan War". Good size stones! Also included some arrowheads. I think Homer mentioned a sling once or twice in the Iliad.
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