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David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday (Read 20044 times)

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #15 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 9:50am
Read 1 Samuel 17, the whole chapter.
The greatest duel in the history of the world!
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #16 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 12:04pm
I wonder if the David and Goliath story has the same meaning today as it did when it was first told.  We live in an age where underdogs are beloved and we all root for the little guy, so it's easy to see how a boy against a giant appeals to modern-day western culture, but I wonder if the original message wasn't more like 'Don't bring a knife to a gunfight,' or 'God's chosen people are too clever for the big, stupid Philistines.'
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #17 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 12:38pm
The Philistines weren't exactly "stupid". Their culture was more advanced than Israel's. The main reason was their ability to smelt iron ore. The Philistines could make iron weapons and Israel only bronze. They also had cavalry and chariots. It was not until the Philistines were subdued, that Israel began using these weapons. Who was the underdog: David with God on his side, Goliath with Dagon!
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #18 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 12:59pm
Interesting point.  I didn't mean to imply that the Philistines really were big & stupid, I was just wondering how David could be the underdog if he was fighting with the superior weapon.  'David and Goliath' has come to mean unexpected victory over seemingly impossible odds, but... a ranged weapon versus hand-to-hand weapons?  How could David lose?  I keep thinking of Indiana Jones, in the first movie, where he shoots the guy with the sword.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #19 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 1:17pm
Excellent point there, Hobb.   "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight"!    There is an old saying that goes something like this...."The wise man carefully considers each step, while the fool plods ahead and is punished".    Goliath and the Philistines possessed great over-confidence....and were punished.   David did just so and was rewarded for his obedience and tenacious grasp of Godly wisdom.    Here is an excellent resource for those who seriously ponder the veracity of certain historical claims contained in the Holy Scriptures:


The man,  Ron Wyatt,  was the inspiration for the 'Indiana Jones'  character in the Steven Spielberg movies.    Truth can certainly be stranger than fiction....
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #20 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 2:40pm
Yes, lets keep the religious debate elsewhere and just respect that other people have different opinions. 

I was also pretty pleased with the documentary.  It was well produced.  The slinger had a funky style though (whole arm, underarm rotation).  He only could get up to speeds of 80 mph, which is quite low.  I imagine Larry or Jurek must be exceeding 200 mph. 

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #21 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 2:42pm
Welcome edsomenz,

It was the Discovery Channel's "Ancient Expeditions" and the BBC "Bible Miniseries".

I have not heard of Dr. Grosscup.  Who is he?  A professor? 

Perhaps we can help you with your question.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #22 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 2:48pm
How can I get a copy of this program? Will BBC put it on a DVD or something?
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #23 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 3:21pm
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #24 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 3:37pm
Ok, Johnny, I have in fact read the Bible.  And the Koran.  And the Dao De Jing.  I am very interested in other religions.  I just think they are false.   And my gran is Irish, Roman Catholic.  My mum and dad used to sorta make me go to church, so i have some idea of religious stuff.  Also, I have a GCSE A* in religious studies.  So trust me, I can speak with conviction.  Hope I don't offend any sensibilities, I just state what I believe. Embarrassed
Anyways, like I said, it was a good program, and I knew the sling was powerful, but as powerful as a bullet?!  Amazing.  And if world class record breaking slingers like Larry or Yurek can do better, then I would love to see the power then.  I'd guess it'd have the same power as a .45, not just a puny .22. Smiley 
I think I will leave the whole religion thing alone now.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #25 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 4:07pm
If you're Irish Roman Catholic, why do you call yourself "English"? I know you live in England so I guess that's why(I'm not asking this in a sarcastic way). I to have studied the Eastern religions through my many years(23) of Karate training(Wado-Ryu). But found no answers to life in them. No way have you offended me! I get into "religious" debates all the time. Mostly with my best friends and family members! I always go into a discussion as a friend and leave as a friend!
No hard feelings!

Chris, I will shut up now!
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #26 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 5:02pm
I know where you're coming from Johnny.   I have a bit of a background with a variety of martial arts and have studied their philisophical approach to understanding life's lessons.   I was also trained as a special weapons specialist by the U.S. Air Force and came to learn about the ties that bind ALL who practice the way of the warrior.  In that time I have learned....at some cost.....that no man is truly an island unto himself and that the concept of complete individual autonomy is self delusional.   In my personal opinion,  a most pivotal discovery that one can make is the daunting realization that we as individual humans are, ourselves, largely tools in the hands of much greater warriors than ourselves.......Just who we choose to serve (either subconsciously or consciously) is at least as important as the stability of the axis upon which our world turns.   The samurai of old had an integral maxim....."no way is way".     The same is true with many aspects of life......"no choice is choice".    This forum, for example is a highly interesting microcosm from which much can be learned about the amazing variety of threads that bind us all.      
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #27 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 6:38pm
Hmmm....  The threads that bind us all... #18 mason's twine? Wink
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #28 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 6:42pm
Tech, once again, you're right on the mark!
I like the oxymoronic statement: "I am absolute there are no absolutes".
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

Matthew 11:25-30

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #29 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 7:18pm
Johnny,  regarding your previous statement:   I am certain that you are certain of it's certainty!    (lol)  Wink Smiley
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