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David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday (Read 20016 times)
Slinging.org Administrator

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David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Mar 3rd, 2004 at 12:30pm
For those of you that can get BBC two, the documentary I assisted a bit on is airing this sunday.  It does have quite a bit of slinging involved. 

David and Goliath, Sunday 7 March on BBC Two, 13:30-14:20

We also got a nice link on their website:


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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #1 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 2:36pm
After reading the article and considering the source(BBC), I have a feeling they will try every way to punch holes in the Biblical account of David and Goliath. It will be interesting.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #2 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 3:59pm
Good point Johnny, and thanks for posting the URL Chris!   Dragging out the old 'gigantism' and tunnel vision crap again.   It is obvious that some would rather subscribe to such intellectual dishonesty than the archaeological evidence.   The Philistines, who were feared and accomplished soldiers would not even remotely consider sending a half blinded 'Robert Wadlow' into battle as their chosen champion!  Gimme a break....I have seen much evidence of the remains of true giants and their remains are  to scale without any trace of the effects of 'gigantism'.      Some of the skulls found were large enough to have enabled their owner to bite the head off of a normal adult human!  And look at the cranial capacity!   BTW,  not a single example has been found of 'cradle boarding' (A barbaric procedure that involves cradling the heads of infants to boards to get their skulls to grow deformed and enlongated) where increased cranial capacity was achieved any where even remotely close to what is shown.  It is my assertion that 'cradle boarding' by ancient cultures arose as an act of emulation by normal humans to appear as their one time 'gods',  the giants of old did.

Here is but one of dozens of examples to be found of the remains of the 'Giants of old':


It is interesting to note that so many of these skulls were found buried absent their bodies.......I wonder how many were removed by their own swords like David of Judah!

Some of the skulls found belonged to bodies which would make them 16 feet tall!  (that is unless one subscribes to the 'Giganticus Bobbleheadicus' theory) That is the height of the bottom power line on most street poles!  Yes,  we certainly would appear 'as grasshoppers' to them!  As a hobby,  I have studied cryptozoology for some time and it has provided many amazing discoveries, indeed.   Some of you may remember the old native american legend of the 'thunderbirds',  giant black birds that appeared before thunderstorms riding the leading edge of the storm front and grabbing children and even buffalo calves!   I have seen footage on the Discovery channel taken by a man canoeing down a river in illinois of two of these giants taking off from a tree....that tree was later tracked down and the branch they were perched on was quite large.   Here is link to a pic taken some time back in a Los Angeles Museum:


So,  anomalous tunnel visioned mutated gigantism freaks?  No.   Anomalous half blind birds suffering from 'gigantism' flying around grabbing what ever they can lift off the ground?  I don't think so.....

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« Last Edit: Mar 3rd, 2004 at 11:04pm by Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua »  

Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #3 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 4:12pm
Tech, you ROCK!
That was a great response! I think in that article by the BBC, they say the Philistines were"barbaric". The Philistines were a high culture that had an edge over most of their neighbors, they smithed iron. That photo was great! I'll check the website.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #4 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 4:14pm
I forgot, is that skull from the middle East?
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #5 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 4:39pm
I shall make a note of watching it.  So, this Sunday, BBC2, one thirty to two twenty... ok.  I should be in the house.  BBC2 is one of the best channels available on terrestrial tv in Britain, the other being Channel 4, for news coverage and good American shows, like Six Feet Under and all the others.  BBC2 is good for documentaries and humour.  If it is as good as the other documentaries on 2, then I won't want to miss it.  and as it is about a subject that (obviously) interests me, well... should be great.  Thanks for the tip off.
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #6 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 11:13pm
Actually,  I believe these particular samples were found in Peru, believe it or not!  The remains of giants have been found on virtually every continent.  I have some information somewhere, I will have to dig out,  regarding remains of giants with 6 fingers and toes found in Asia.   In retrospect.....given the example above,  It sure makes it easier to believe that the biblical account was NOT embellished regarding David's having hit the giant and the stone sinking deep into his forehead!  Heck,  with a forehead like that....even I might have a chance at close range!
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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #7 - Mar 3rd, 2004 at 11:38pm
There was a giant that David's men fought that had 6 fingers and toes. It is found here: 2 Samuel 21:20 I would like to see the info you have on this! Keep up the good work!
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #8 - Mar 4th, 2004 at 11:16am
Here is a link to a new version of the page I had in mind.  I seem to remember different pictures which showed the skeletal evidence in more detail....will keep looking.

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Blessings in Yeshua!&&
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #9 - Mar 4th, 2004 at 2:28pm
Hi Tech!
I got the website! Thanks
Acts 2:38!
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #10 - Mar 7th, 2004 at 2:58am
was this ---ancient secrets of the bible---series i am from slinging@yahoogroups.com trying to contact DR STEVE GROSSCUP ANY ASSISTANCE  GRATEFULLY RECIEVED
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #11 - Mar 7th, 2004 at 3:10pm
I watched the documentary, and it was actually very good.  That man was amazing with the sling, not the accuracy, because we didn't see much of that, but with the power.  As powerful as a .22!  Bloody hell.  And despite TechStuf's disapproval for the theory, the gigantism idea does seem extremely feasible.  And to be honest, I rather prefer the idea of king David being a ruthless man to the saintly, wise image portrayed in the Bible.  I have always said that the Bible is a work of fiction, (I am vehemently anti-religious), and it seems that even when it is talking of non-fictional characters, it is lying! 
Well anyway, jolly good stuff.
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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #12 - Mar 7th, 2004 at 5:19pm
Well English, that's your opinion and your entitled to it.
I do not believe the Bible is fiction, but fact. I don't have any use for religion myself, there are many false ones out there.  I just worship the descendant of David who killed Goliath, and I think you know his name. One of the reasons I have such an interest in the sling is because of the Bible.
PS-Have you ever read the Bible through? If not, why are you so critical about something you haven't read?
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Yahweh Bless you in Yeshua
Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #13 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 1:00am
GOD bless you english.......for being selective in that which you choose to learn! 

(Your assignment english, should you choose to accept it....do an "extreme feasibility" study on the likelihood that the aforementioned statement 'will become' reality anytime soon.   Wink
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Have Sling, Will Travel

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Re: David and Goliath - Airing on the BBC Sunday
Reply #14 - Mar 8th, 2004 at 9:18am
All this religion stuff is fine, but I gotta know.

Who won, David or Goliath?  Roll Eyes
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