I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Posts: 2
Just want to say Hi to all you fellow rockslingers. I am BG and live in Vail, Az. I grew up on Northern CA and made my first sling when I was ten years old back in 1960! I have been slinging off and on since then. I too had problems finding consistent ammo, that is until my dad gave me a bunch of his old golf balls. They aren't quite as dense as a rock, and they are a little on the small side, but if you aren't out to kill anything, who cares? However, with consistent ammo you can get pretty good with your accuracy. With my current sling of 30 inches (middle of pouch to end of release chord) I can chuck one nearly 200 yards if I really go all out, but when I do that my accuracy goes down. I think my optimum range vs. accuracy is around 50 to 75 feet. Any further than that and the golf ball has a pretty mean slice to it. I haven't tried taking it out on the golf course to see how I could do, but I think I could probably shoot bogy golf (18) using my sling and a putter. We might could start a new fad, who knows? We could call it slinger's golf. Talk at you later. BG